Chapter 1

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I was having tea with Elton. I only did this when Yoko annoyed the shit out of me, which happened almost every day. Elton was very understanding despite what he portrayed himself as.

"I'm thinking about divorcing Yoko." I stated before taking a sip.

"Is she making you that unhappy?" He put his cup gently on the table.

"Well... kinda... she ruined the Beatles."

"John you know that's not true, you know very well it was a team effort."

I knew what he meant by this, everyone in the band contributed to the break up. I think maybe if we never got together it would've lasted longer.

"I tried to have a conversation with her about being gay or bi or something but she shut it down."

"Are you still confused?" Elton picked up the cup and took a sip.

"Yes... but I think I'm bi."

"Is her bigotry the reason you want to divorce her?" He crossed his legs and gave me a weak smile.

"I honestly don't know."

"You should put more thought into this before you decide. There's a lot of emotions at stake."

"How your love life going?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I haven't been looking, I've given up trying."

"Is this about Lance?"

"No, I just don't see the point anymore." He let out a heavy sigh.

"You shouldn't let Lance win."


"You're letting him win by not going on with your life."

He paused for a moment and thought. He put his cup on the table again and then looked at me.

"You're right." He sighed.

"Of course I am!" I checked my watch. "I should probably get home."

"Same time tomorrow?"

"Probably." I grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door.

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Elton John X John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now