Chapter 17

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Paul's POV

John had left with Elton. I was desperate for some sort of relief. I started sobbing and I grabbed a bottleneck of whatever. I took a few gulps from it. First Linda leaves me then John. Fuck! Am I that unlovable?

I sat down on the kitchen floor and leaned back onto the cabinets. I took another drink. Why did I let Linda leave? Why didn't I apologize for the argument? It doesn't matter now I drives everyone away from me.

I wandered out of the house and to the bridge. I was exhausted but I managed to climb over the railing. I was tightly holding onto the railing and my feed were barely on the edge. I stayed this way for a few minutes, trying to find the courage to jump.

"Sir?" A man said I turned around to look at him but all I saw were bright lights.

"What‽" I said bitterly.

"Please get behind the railing."

"No! Fuck you!"

John's POV

I was changing channels trying to find something when I saw Paul. Paul was trying to jump off a bridge. Shit! Was this my fault? They luckily got him off the ledge but not without force.

"Elton!" I called out.

I was losing my shit because I'm partly responsible if not entirely. Should I call Paul? The more I though the more anxious I got.

"John? What happened?" Elton said running into the living room.

I pointed at the tv and he watched for a minute before looking back at me.

Elton John X John LennonWhere stories live. Discover now