Chapter 21

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John's POV

I guess running away when shit got tough was all I was good for. I fell onto the hotel bed. I sat up and looked outside the window. The ocean was pretty I wish I wasn't here without Elton.

I got up and sat on the patio. The smell of the sea was refreshing. I remember some teacher telling me it was good for you once. Where was I? I can't even remember where I am.

I think I've hurt everyone who's cared about me. I really hurt two bird with one stone by fucking Paul. I hurt Elton and Paul at the same time. I fucked up my relationship with Yoko but it was already fucked.

I really am I piece of shit. I didn't even leave Elton with a letter. I just left after he went to bed. He's probably woken up by now. I would call him but I didn't want to feel worse.

I turned on the radio and some calm classical music played. Shit! What if Paul tried to kill himself again! He probably wouldn't but I should get someone to go check on him. I walked inside and grabbed the phone and called George.

"George? It's me John."

"Hey, John it's been a while." He said cheerfully.

"Can you do me a favor and check on Paul, I can't really do it since I'm on holiday."

"Sure, I'll call you later."

"Thank you."

I put the phone down and made myself a drink. I sat back down on the patio and watched the waves crash. It was so beautiful here, where is here?

Elton John X John LennonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora