Start-of-Term Feast

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Merlin apparated a little ways before the castle gates of Hogwarts. The wards prevented any modern-day sorcerers from teleporting within the castle grounds, but Merlin wasn't an ordinary wizard and would have had no trouble entering the grounds, but he did not want cause for suspicion. So, he walked the remaining trek and waited for his escort at the gates.

A man in his late forties, dressed in all black that could have rivaled Agravaine catches his eye. His hair a greasy black, now that Merlin could see him up close, sneer marring his pasty white skin. The sight made him wonder if Agravaine could have had a descendant.

"Follow me," the man barked, looking at Merlin as if he ruined his favorite tea set. He walked forward without waiting for Merlin.

"Myriddian Emrys. And you are?" Merlin introduced himself, trying to be polite, and asking for the man's name. He saw an eyebrow twitch and eyes that glared sharply at him.

"Severus Snape," throwing him one last glare that spoke volumes to not call him by his first name and faced front again. Sighing, Merlin followed silently behind.

Merlin instead focused on the magic that surrounded Hogwarts., It was warm and comforting, like she was welcoming him home. Which, in a way, she was, as Hogwarts was Camelot once upon a time. Ruins were all that was left of Merlin's old life, of his time with Arthur, ruins and himself. Still, Hogwarts felt like home no matter where he settled once he left. This castle was what he lived for, he loved the memories he had here. Of Arthur, Gwen, the knights, and the people, to Rowena, Salazar, Godric, and Helga. They were his home, no matter that he could not follow where they rested now.

Finally, the imposing oak doors greeted Merlin as they stepped into the courtyard, opening by themselves with the Bloody Baron hovering close by. He still looked how Merlin remembered him last, considering he was a ghost it wasn't a surprise. Clothes soaked in blood from killing himself for what he had done and chained as his penance. He could never forgive the Baron for what he did to his granddaughter, but he understood the guilt he had.

Merlin snuck a glance at Snape. He didn't give anything away, but Merlin knew he was confused by the Baron skulking near the door. He wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't been conditioned to recognize the subtle ticks of human behavior. If he didn't he would have had quite a significantly higher death count or as close to death as he could get. Snape's mouth opened, beginning to form words, but the Baron talks before any sound escaped.

"I'll take it from here, Severus. I'm sure you have better things to do, surely," Merlin stuffs his fist into his mouth to stop outright laughing at the expression Snape was displaying. Snape sneered then, turning sharply on his heel and stalked away, cloak billowing angrily behind him. Once he was out of sight Merlin let himself chuckle, throwing a grateful glance towards the ghost. He didn't want the man's mood to dim his own, only now having been allowed back to his true home.

"Thanks for that, I needed a laugh. Snape doesn't make it easy to be happy," Merlin explained, gesturing for the bloody ghost to lead the way.

"Back again I see. What is it for this time? Boredom?" The Baron asked, feigning nonchalance as he started floating forward. Merlin knew he was curious, he hadn't told the ghost who he really was or his relation to his unrequited love. He knew nothing really, nothing except that he managed to cheat death, not by his own volition but that he just did.

"I do have a reason this time," he spoke slowly, carefully wording his response," and no, I won't tell you," getting a slight pout in return. Chuckling," I have an appointment with the headmaster if you wouldn't mind," hand sweeping out in gesture for them to continue walking. The Bloody Baron grumbled but led the way, though they were both aware that he could navigate the castle blind if he so wanted, it was better not to attract any unwanted attention. At least for as long as possible., Merlin was no fool, he knew Dumbledore was clever, many of the staff as well, but he didn't think they could figure it out on their own. After all, a millennia and a half old warlock would not be a conclusion Merlin himself would think of first if he wasn't himself and used to far more insane things.

Professor Merlin EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now