Hogwarts Meets Aithusa

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Harry half paid attention to Hermione, who was still harping on about Fred and George testing their experimental Weasley products on the other students. Ron looked pleadingly at him to intervene but Harry was not suicidal and did not fancy being on the receiving end of her glare. He was more exhausted from his detention with Umbridge. The crudely carved words from whatever quill she gave him made his skin itch. He refused to give that toad the satisfaction of knowing he was in pain. He pulled his robe sleeve down further as they sat at the table in the Great Hall, careful not to let the raw and aggravated skin show lest Hermione get wind of it. He didn't need her concern nor her help. Not with this.

Hermione had finally taken a breath to eat when a blur of white rushed passed the student body and headed for the staff table. It was much too early for the owls to enter with the morning mail, the several screaming students giving way to provide evidence. He turned quickly, his eyes following the creature as fast as they would let him. It was headed straight for Professor Emrys, who looked entirely unconcerned. Harry made to shout but his voice was stuck in his throat as the blur slowed down enough to land almost harmlessly, but for a slight sway, to the Professor's posture.

Ron grabbed his arm, pulling until he sat down again, only realizing he had stood up in his attempt to warn the very person who was now conversing with the strange creature as if it was responding back. Most of the students were not even pretending to not watch as Emrys let the creature eat the rest of his breakfast. Harry was still hung up on the fact that whatever that thing was had dive bombed their Professor who acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps it wasn't. Harry forced himself to the present, listening to Ron retell what had just happened as if they had not seen it themselves. It was comforting that some things never changed.

Harry dragged his feet to Defense against the Dark Arts, already done with the day and the mountain of homework that he had obtained in his two other classes of the day. At this point he didn't care what insanity his mad Professor cooked up as long as it involved as little work as possible. He sat down in his usual chair, head in his hands as he tried to keep awake, not noticing Professor Emrys sneak up behind him.

"Good morning!" Emrys cheered, startling Harry who practically jumped out of his chair. "I'll go ahead and get everyone's question out of the way. Aithusa, meaning light of the sun, is who you saw this morning at breakfast. She is my familiar. She is basically a mini dragon, and no, she is not my pet. Familiars are companions, they are very rare and only a few witches and wizards ever have the pleasure of a familiar as a companion." He continued, seemingly uncaring if they had any other questions and getting started into the lesson.

"Any questions will be answered at the end of the class," giving pointed looks to Knott and Hermione who had both raised their hands, quietly putting them back down. "Now the Impediment Jinx can freeze a combatant for a few moments or stop a magical beast in its tracks. This spell comes in very handy whilst duelling. The incantation is Impedimenta. Say it a few times with the wrist movement and practice with a partner please."

Harry was quick to grab Ron—Hermione ending up pairing with Neville—and set to work, happy at the simple task. The half hour continued in no time at all, Professor Emrys correcting anything he caught that was being done wrong and complimenting those who already had a good grip on the spell. The next thirty minutes weren't quite as exciting but it was nice of him to allow them time to finish the homework he had assigned today and any other work given by the other teachers if they had the time.
When it was finally time to leave, Professor Emrys called for attention, "Please have your work turned in tomorrow and Mr. Longbottom if I could see you for a moment," 'Ooh's' left many of the Slytherins' mouths and Neville looked positively green. "That's enough of that, thank you. Shoo with you," making a swatting motion with his hands as he herded the remaining students to the door. "Neville, you're not in any trouble, I just want a word with you."

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