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"Okay ... say cheese."



"Nice, alright everyone your free to enjoy the party!" (y/n) said in the mist of loud music and children's chatter. The crowed of people she was taking a picture of dispersed disappearing into the far reaches of the party, (y/n) noticed a familiar person approaching her. 

"Hey (y/n) I just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this on such short notice, you know you didn't have to give us a discount, I can pay you in full after the party." A lady wearing a beautiful white dress said to (y/n) in a polite and caring tone.

"No its really no problem, its the least I could do for a friend about to get married, plus you and your husband need to save up for that honey moon you've been planing." 

"sigh, I guess theirs no convincing you, by the way I wanted to know hows your job working for the Hero Association? Im worried because theirs been a steady growth of monster attacks lately and I want you to stay safe." 

"Oh don't worry its fine, if a situation gets dirty I can protect my self, im not completely defenseless watch" Barely waiting to finish her sentence, (y/n) lunges into the air revealing six pairs of almost transparent and skinny black arms. She lands on top of a table and snatches up a flower that was for decoration with one of her extra hands, flower in hand she runs over to the Groom and picks him up. The Bride stopped and staider flabbergasted, (y/n) was fast, much faster than when they first became friends. Lost in her thoughts the bride didn't notice (y/n) come over and set her husband down beside her, the flower was now in his hand and he was bent down on his knees in a proposal stance. 

"wait what... what just happened." The Groom said confused, he looked to his right to see (y/n) sitting down and leaning her real arms on the table Champlain filled glass in hand looking all smug.

"Jeez (y/n) I said I was worried but I believe you showed me your fast enough to at least get out of danger." The bride said coming back to reality, she leaned down and helped her almost petrified husband of his knees.

"yeah you don't need to worry I..." (y/n) was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing in her pocket.

"Ohh its the Hero Association, I guess they need me... so i'll be going now you two have a wonderful honeymoon i'll see you when you get back!" (y/n) said starting to jog out the room waving.

"But... ohh shes already gone, she didn't even get to try the cake I made hmpf" The bride goes to hug her new husband.

"Its ok you know she means well, ever since she got that job she seems a lot more happier and busy." The Groom says hugging her back.

"I guess your right, come on lets go eat some cake" She says leading her love to the table surrounded by many guests.

*Skip to (y/n) on the phone outside*

"Yo Stich whats up, is there a fight? Do I need to do a stealth mission? Ohh am I getting a raise!" (y/n) exclaimed excitingly switching from a crane pose to her normal leaning against the wall stance.

"No your not getting a raise, but there is something I want you to check out. The S-rank hero King, supposedly hes about to engage in combat near you, I want you to go there and study his fighting technique."

"His fighting technique? You mean you don't know how your supposed most powerful hero fights?" (y/n) exclaims while making her way  to the location marked on her phone.

"Regretfully so, every time King has defeated a monster hero's arrive for backup but the monster is already dead. We have never seen him in real combat, this is why I would like you to record him fighting." 

One Punch Man King x reader(fem)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя