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Is this heaven... are you dreaming? Never in your life did you think you would be... well here. Here with your boyfriend walking beside you, chatting among your self about shared interest. Not to mention him being the most powerful man on earth, the class S rank 7 hero King. Who would of thought he was suck an adorable boyfriend, its only been a day but you feel as if you could spend the rest of your life with him by your side. In a nut shell your head over heals for him.

"(y/n) (y/n), hey you ok?" 

"Huh oh yeah yeah im fine." Kings soft and caring voice brought you to your senses.

"You sure, you were staring at the sky for half the walk. We made it to the store already." Not realizing it you had gone silent half way through the walk of in dream land. Turning to the side you see a store, it seems familiar. 

"Im fine really. Oh, I've been here before." You remember this is the place, here you pick up the most recent releases of video games and action figures. Good times, you and the owner know each other by name, occasionally you go in to just talk nerd talk.

"Really? I haven't been here before but it was the only one with my game in stock." King open the door and motions you to go in first, what gentlemen. Inside its a variety of colors, the walls all have shelf's filled with games. Its obvious being in city Z means they don't get a lot of customers. The owner of the shop is putting up games on a shelf in the back, hes so busy he doesn't notice the two of you entered.

"Watch this." You wispier to King then proceed to sneak up to the owner. Without a sound you sting him on his side making him jump up in panic.

"AHHH please don't hurt me!! Im just a lonely nerd trying to survive, if you want money you can have it! Just please don't hurt me or anything in the store!!"

"pftt ahahhahahahhah!" You burst out into laughter, you've never seen him this desperate before. He turns around to see you on your knees laughing your ass off, and immediately turns bright red.

"Wah (Y/N)! Hey you gave me a heart attack, your so mean!"

"Sorry Sticks your just so fun to play with." your laughing fit slows to a stop and you help Sticks regain his clam demeanor. Sticks then notices the presence of someone else behind you, instead of full on panic hes put in full on fanboy mode.


"Oh no..." You say. Sticks full attention is now on King.

"What are you doing here! *gasp* do you like video game like me. (y/n) look its King the real King." You smile at your childish friend, and let him go wild wanting to see Kings reactions to fans of his.

"Im such a big fan, ever sense me and (y/n) became friends we've always bonded over are favorite hero, you King. Its amazing to see you in the flesh, I cant count how many days the two of us spent raising money to get your action figure. Once we got (y/n) was so infatuated with it she even slept with it and we both brought it to school for show and tell." Your face goes completely red, you had forgotten all about that phase of your life. 

"STICKS! SHUT UP!!" Completely embarrassed you try to stop your soon to be not friend from saying anything worse. 

"Oh sorry (y/n) maybe I said to much.

"You think!" You snap back at Sticks.

"So any way what brings you here King?" King sat there speechless, he didn't know how to process what just happened. So you decide to take matters into your own hands. You walk to the side of King and hug his arm.

"We're here to pick up a game." You answer for him.

"oh ok, wait... We're?" Sticks seems puzzled, what were you doing hanging out with King.

One Punch Man King x reader(fem)Where stories live. Discover now