A Little Flustered(Lemon)

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<(Not All Of This Chapter Is A Lemon, If You Don't Want To Read The lemon There's A Warning Before It Starts Down below. But You Don't Have To This Isn't A Plot Driven Chapter Anyway)>

                                                           <Kings P.O.V>

'What am I doing? Come on King get a hold of yourself! It was just a conversation there wasn't anything intense going on, why did my heart start beating? Was it because of her... no why would it be, she wasn't mad at me.  Was it because Genos mentioned Sweet Mask, but ive never met him. Hold on the Rumors, that's it the rumors, but there just rumors their not dating.'

He gets up and paces around the tiny bathroom.

'Wait why would I care its not like its im involved. Its not like were dating... but if we were... GOD that would be amazing I can see it clearly! Waking up in the same bed looking to my side and she'd be there, hugging me so sweetly, she'll have such a cute smile. I'll kiss her forehead, maybe even her lips. Her lips must be so soft, there so plump and adorable.'

Thoughts fly around Kings head ,sweet dreams of his imagination.

'We could do things other couples do, like walk hand in hand, go on dates, and... and'

Kings face goes bright red, fantasy play out in his mind.

'No stop I barely known her, I can't think about her that way! But-but... god now I can't stop thinking about it. All the intimate things we could do. Its as if she already teasing me, wearing a long shirt, obviously to big for her, just like my favorite character in Doki Doki Sitsers! Shes to perfect I can't... I just want her... I love her.' 

King is now sitting on the toilet, pondering to himself. Until something  comes to mind, something he should have checked before beginning to thinking about her.

"No god wait shit shit shit!"

"King you uh ok?" A feminine voice is herd from the other side of the door.


"Uh ye-yeah im find, everything's A-okay."

                                                    <3rd Person View>

In fact everything was not okay. king forgot one thing every man should keep in check. King reluctantly looked down pleading to not see what he feels. There it was, a simple thought of her and hes already aroused. How would he get out of this situation, King didn't know either.

"You sure? You don't sound to hot." (y/n) now leaned against the door, she was generally concerned for the big guy. It didn't help that  once aging Kings heart began to beat even faster and could clearly be herd through the door.

'What should I do?' King thought, hes in some deep shit now.

"King...? Im coming in"

'Did she just say she's coming in?!?! Wait no no no I can't let her see! Do something do something, anything.'

Yet King just continued to sit, his body wouldn't move, his heart began to beat even faster, sweat developed on his face. The door began to open slowly.

'Dahm it I forgot the lock. Come one say something, stop her, tell her to stop! Say something anything!"


                                                    <(y/n)'s P.O.V>

You froze. What did he say? You stopped opening the door. Everything was mostly silent, except for Kings 'engine'.

One Punch Man King x reader(fem)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat