Relaxing Day (Mostly)

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You open your eyes slowly only to be blinded by the big flaming source of heat known as the sun. An audible grown escapes your lips as you turn over, now facing away from the window. All you can see now is a broad chest, you look up to see the face that's attached. King's face is seen, hes visibly relaxed. You can't help but smile, this is the man you fell in love with. Maybe doing the do just a day after you met him seems a little fast paced, but that didn't matter now, you loved him he loved you.


"hmmmm" King groans and his peaceful smile turns into a frown.

In a quick attempt to keep your lover happy and asleep you get up ,nearly fall, and try to find the source of the annoying sound. Walking around the room you find the source was a phone lost underneath Kings pants. For a second you look back at Kings sleeping body and ponder if you should answer it or not.

"Maybe its the two form yesterday?" You think out load and decide to answer the phone not fearing any repercussions.


"Hello King, we have a mission for you if you chose to accept it."

"Shit, What do I do now , shit shit shit! ugh I shouldn't have answered it." You mute your side of the call so the person on the other side couldn't hear any of that. Now you pace around in a circle,what do you do now?

"Hello king?" The female on the other side awaits an answer. You quickly think of what to do.

"Umm K-Kings currently asleep." That sentence came out a lot more awkward than intended.

"Excuse me who is this? How did you get his phone?" The lady seems more prone to have an attitude now knowing its not a hero on the other side. You then remember that you work for the HA, how you forgot no one will ever know.

"My names (y/n), you know (y/n) the photographer, the one that works for the Hero Association.Yeah that me." You can't help but release a little sass in that sentence.

"Ohh im sorry miss (y/n) I didn't recognize your voice. Please when King wakes up tell him to call us." You look back at King, you know we wont bother calling back. Working at the HA your informed of the attitudes of a lot of heros , its well known most of the time King just flat out rejects his missions.

"How about you tell me what you wanted to say, then i'll tell him when he gets up." Your getting a little annoyed knowing you could be in bed cuddling with your beloved.

"Umm sure. There has been a uprising of monster recently, there's currently an all out attack on all the city's. We have assigned S-class heros as body guards for our investors, Metal bat is currently guarding our #1."

"So you want to assign King too. Well hes with me, and im an investor, he could just stay here" Apart form working at the HA your also a major investor, your photography business does you well financially. At first they refused to hire you because they didn't want to endanger you, but you continued to pester them and eventually they gave in.

"Oh that uh that could work i'll inform the hire ups right away, thank you miss (y/n)" She hangs up immediately not even giving you a chance to say your welcome or bye.

"hmph whats with people and saying bye"

"(y/n)?" You freeze, both startled and fearful. You turn around slowly to meet with Kings gaze.

"what are y"

"ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" You scream unintentionally startling both your self and King.

"I mean, the phone was wringing and you just looked so peaceful and cute, I didn't want it to wake you up. So I picked it up, I swear I wasn't looking through your phone, I wouldn't do such a thing. Im innocent!"

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