Tonight We Feast

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Currently (y/n)'s at the dinner table trying to undo her big mess. Sometimes she just gets to carried away with cooking, it doesn't help that her extra appendages make things even easier. King was in the living room on the phone calling the "two friends" that could supposedly help with this situation. (y/n) could vaguely make out a few words from the conversion he was having.

"Yeah the address is .........  oh yeah ...... be sure to hurry ..... wait huh....  no she's not my.... alright ..... see you in a bit." Welp looks like they really are coming. King returns to the dining room and sits down in the chair across from (y/n), slowly he too begins to eat. 

"Soooo you said these guys could get here in basically a minute right? Wanna make a bet?"

"Im not sure, im not one to take bets. Especially on money."

"Whyy not, you seem to have major luck! A few years ago you were just an average Joe on the street, now your this huge  well known S rank hero. Plus iv'e never heard of any training you did it seem like that strength of yours just came to you." King audibly swallows his spit, deeply regretting it soon after for (y/n) noticed him tense up.

"Whats wrong? *gasp* Was it something I said, did I offend you? Shit, im sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything Im sure you worked hard to get to where you are now. Please forgive me, If need be you can scold me I deserve it." (y/n) bows her head in forgiveness.

"No no, its fine I just uhh accidentally got a bigger piece of waffle than I could chew."

"Huh? But I didn't see you..." *DING DONG* The door bell interrupts (y/n) mid sentence. King, quite literally saved by the bell, gets up quickly.

"That must be them I'll go get it." King try's to talk as normal as possible, giving the situation of his biggest secret almost being reviled he did relatively well.

"I um ok"

Fast walking to the door King exhales relieved to be out of that conversation. Now in a calmish  walk he go's to the front door. Opening it reveals two familiar faces. (y/n) ,being curious who it was, gets up and peeks from the other side of the wall.

"Yo King" (y/n) feels like she's seen him before. 

"We arrived as soon as possible." A cyborg teen looking blond boy says in a robotic emotionless way. Him too, (y/n) thinks but she can't put her finger on it.

"Great you guys are here. Come in the foods in the dining room, follow me." The three guys begin to walk (y/n)'s way, she quickly ducks to be hind the wall and runs back to her chair.

                                                   ~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

The three arrive at the dining room, the bald man and the cyborg's eyes go straight to you.

"Hello~" You say and wave to the new faces. Your eyes drift to the cyborgs face, I swear Iv'e seen him before but where, whats his name? It starts with a G right god its on the tip of my tongue. 

"Oh your name is (y/n) right?" The blond cyborg says addressing you. Your eyes widen, you remember him, Genos right its Genos. You saw him once when you were out making your rounds taking pictures of Hero's and stuff.

"Oh Genos long time no see." Kings eyes travels from you and back to Genos repeatedly.

"You two know each other?" King says a little confused.

"Yeah, but not personally. We just happened to meet one day when I was out taking pictures." You reassures. Now your eyes travel to the bald guy.

" Oh yeah you where with King when I first met him, I never caught your name." 

One Punch Man King x reader(fem)Where stories live. Discover now