Player 1 and Player 2

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How on gods green earth is this happening!! This.. this man hes unbelievable! Throughout my life ive spent hours at this game perfecting my grabs,shields, and side blocks. But he.. he trumps it all. Hes NOT HUMAN!

"how... how can this be physically possible?" you say in disbelief mouth and eyes wide open staring at the TV screen in defeat.

"Its simple you were on a high percentage and off the stage, a perfect time for me to edge guard. You should have stayed on the stage"


"Oh yeah I did. Then you should have guarded."

"MY SHIELD WAS BROKE I PHYSICALLY COULDN'T! God, how can you be this good!? Iv'e spent hours on this game mastering every character from Snake to ParanaPlant! And now its all gone to waist." You slump in your position feeling defeated both physically and mentally.

"I have to hand it to you, your the only person to almost get me down one stalk. You are good at the game, it really shows." You look up from your sad position staring into Kings eyes.

"You really mean it?" You fake a sniff

"Ye-Yeah I do." King looks away in what seemed to be embarrassment? Well whatever. You looked out your window only to see the dark sky with stars scattered here and there. 

"Wow guess we've been playing for a while, I swear the sun was still up just a few minutes ago." At the end of your sentence you stand up and stretch. Wow how long have we been playing im so stiff. King stays sitting and turns off the Switch.

"Sooo... you said I had to gain your trust or um prove myself to you. Did I succeed? Will you stay?" You say to King with content in every word, did you do it? Will the great and powerful King stay at your home, one of a mere mortal. Thoughts rushed in your head. Could you have done something better, did you do good enough?

"I um well" Theses noises only made you more anxious. Your gave never left his eyes. He couldn't take your intense stair and continued to look away, but your persisted.

"Yeah, sure i'll stay"

"YESSSS!!" Not even a second after he said those words your halfway in the air mid jump. Big smile, no not big huge smile, arms held up in the air in victory. You nearly gave King a heart attack.

"Stay here and feel free to make yourself comfortable. I'll get the guest room set up up stairs." Oh my god this is happening! I need to set up the room as fast as I can, I need to make it fit for a king. Not a speck of dust, not a wrinkle in sight. 

                                                                                     <*King POV*>

"Guess i'll just wait here." King looks around the living room, various things stand out against the beige walls. Numerous framed photos, all so beautiful. Ones of sunsets and shorelines, and ones of her and what looks to be family and friends. Among them all one stands out, small yet eye catching somehow. Its a picture of (y/n) and a little boy, shes giving him a piggy back ride, there both so happy.

"Does she have a little brother?" King starts to walk to the other side of the room where more photos are on display. There's more of her and that boy. And one of... of a grave. King steps closer to the photo to get a closer look. Engraved on the grave there's a name, Roa. 

"Alright the rooms done!!" Kings thoughts are immediately interrupted. He turns around to see a disheveled and out of breath (y/n) on top of the stairs.

"Oh okay um thanks."

"No need for thanks. Im gonna go to bed, hours of gaming always has its tolls." She waves then disperses into her room. King begins to make his way up to what is now his room. He opens the door. The room is all neat and tidy, more ascetically pleasing pictures on the walls, soft silk bed sheets folded neatly, and a large window showing a dimly lit yet peaceful neighborhood.

"Nice" He says audibly.

"Better then my apartment at least." King turns around to see a note on a dresser sitting across from the bed.  The note says"There's spare clothes in the closet." Opening the closet there was in fact spare clothes, ones that could fit King oddly enough.

"I wonder where she got these?" He proceeds to take off hos clothes and put on the spare ones. King decides to head to bed as well feeling tired. Slowly his eyes begin to close as the soft sheets surround him in comfort and bliss. he begins to think about the pictures of her and that boy he saw downstairs. Who is he, is he Roa, is he dead. Whats his an (y/n) relationship, are they siblings? Huh best not mettle in (y/n) personal life.

                                                            <*Time Skip - Its Morning Now*>

King awakes to the slight clatter of what sounds like pots and pans downstairs. He sits up and stretches his arms, swinging his feet to the side of the bed and getting up to begin his tread downstairs.  As he follows the stairs down he begins to smell something, food, bacon eggs and something sweet. In the kitchen is (y/n) in an apron cooking breakfast, she humming a tune. King stays where he is staring at her slightly swinging her hips to whatever song shes humming. Such a calming smile she has, in fact everything about her is calming her smile, her voice, her eyes. Wait her eyes? I can see them clearly, shes.. shes looking at me. King snapped out of his trance realizing hes been caught staring.

"*chuckle* Good morning sleepy head did you sleep at all. You still seem tired drifting off and staring like that." (y/n) seems rather calm about the situation. Thank god.

"Ohh um no no I had plenty of sleep last night. I was just entranced your so beautiful." Both (y/n) and King are caught off guard by the complement. What the hell did I just say??

"I MEAN THE FOOD, THE FOOD LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL I COULDN'T HELP BUT STAIR!!" Real nice save there King you did terrible, food??? The food is beautiful you can do better than then that.

"Umm okay, you must be really hungry then. Everything done an on the table help your self im just using the rest of the leftover pancake batter." (y/n) smiles sweetly brushing off what just happened.

"Th-thanks, um you didn't have to cook me breakfast."

"Its really no big deal. I always get a little carried away and cook to much anyway. Looks like I did it again." King never really looked at the table until now. She cooked enough food to feed all of the city, how long has she been up?

"A little carried away's a little bit of an understatement."

"Yeah i guess I went a little over board, since you where here. Well we can't eat all of this with the two of us alone, what should we do?" Kings expression brightens with an idea.

"I know a pair that could help."

"Huh, friends or something? You sure they can get here before the food gets cold?"

"Yep, don't worry about that they'll get here in under a minute. I'll go call them."

"Under a minute?! Umm okay if you say so, Im going to start eating."

                                                                           <*Chapter End*>

Hope ya'll liked this one, sorry I haven't updated for a while iv'e been busy with drawing, school, and friends drama. Since its almost Summer i'll get better at writing more chapters more efficiency.  Also do ya'll mind if one of these chapters turns into a lemon? Im just wondering I haven't written one before but I think I might try it out. Tell me in the comments please. Also I have a OnePunchManCharcaters X Reader book im working on and suggestions are open so go to that and suggest some stuff. 

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