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"She had a face straight outta magazine

God only knows but you'll never leave her"

The 1975-Robbers

A large part of me wanted to leave. Although I enjoyed my English class, I found that on this particular Friday, the students were buzzing and struggled to keep focus. College was a new adjustment, but not one that I struggled with. After going to a private school for most my life, going to Columbia was quite the change of scenery compared to the quaint London academy. I enjoyed the change in my routine, and was working my best to be open to new things. I'd say English 1010 was by far my favorite class of the semester so far. And my professor Mr. Pratley taught it well. Mr. Pratley was an older man, with graying hair and his short stature he quickly became my favorite. I had his class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00. I sat properly in my chair trying to take notes as fast and as legible as possible.

"You won't have a test on Monday, that only if you football boys win tonight." Mr. Pratley was an avid football fan and made sure to incorporate it into our coursework. "You may be excused."

With that the large classroom became chaotic as all the students rushed to get out the door as soon as possible. Columbia had a big football game tonight, and my friends were forcing me to join the hype. I wasn't a very sociable person for many reasons. However, my friends chose to force me to go to the game and even worse expected me to get painted up. What sane person would want to stand out there while its fall, and forty degrees with your stomach showing. It's a ridiculous tradition in my opinion, and I never failed to tell my best friends that.

I made it to my Range Rover unscathed, and just as I was about to get in I heard a familiar voice call for me.

"Paisley I need a ride like now." Daria said as she walked up to me her hands buried deep into her green coat.

"I've met your parents I know they taught you manners Daria." I stated getting into the driver's seat and unlocked the passenger's door for her.

"Please." She mumbled getting in rubbing her legs to bring heat to them as she clicked on her belt.

"Are you sure you want to go to the game?" I asked backing out of my spot driving onto the main road to Daria's apartment.

"Hell yes. I will freeze my ass off for our players any day." She told me rolling her eyes.

"Damn it. Do I have to go?" I whined.

She nodded frantically and answered her now ringing phone. I could tell it was James her boyfriend due to the 'yes baby' and 'I'm on my way home.'

I pulled into the drive way of her boyfriend's house, and she merely mumbled a 'thanks' and jogged inside. I pulled out and began driving to my apartment, a tired sigh leaving my lips. Apartment 813 belonged to me and Demi McAllister. I met Demi the beginning of this year, she was a sweet girl just wild and crazy. She was a messy person and often had strange males walking out of her room on Saturday mornings.

I was a calm reserved person. Talking to others wasn't always an easy habit for me but I did try, it's just that growing up where I did, it was safer not to talk to people.

"Paisley your number 21 and you're the O in Go! also were going to wear their away jerseys." Demi shouted as I walked in.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend who would slice my throat for wearing that?"

"She's a cheerleader. So she can't do it. And when I asked Ryan he said that he didn't care either." Demi shrugged throwing the white jersey with a blue 21 on it at me. "Another positive is the Ryan Ferro wears that jersey. Girls dream about wearing that jersey."

I rolled my eyes at her and made my way to my room. I set the jersey on my bed and began to get ready for tonight.

Walking into the bathroom, I stripped of my sweater and jeans and started the warm water. After my warm shower, I threw on my bra and underwear and stood in front of my closet deciphering what to wear with this jersey. I don't know why Ryan let me wear it even. His girlfriend was going to kill the both of us and I wasn't ready to die young.

Ryan Ferro was a wide receiver and a damn good one at that. And to top off his outstanding football abilities he was a very attractive man. With dark brown hair and matching brown eyes, perfect white teeth and tall. He had just about every female having an asthma attack because he simply glanced their way. I had never been 'lucky' enough to have him even know I existed. I had maybe three classes with him yet we never talked and never associated. It was as if we lived in completely different galaxies. And I was okay with that right now. Emily Jones, his girlfriend wasn't someone I wanted to cross. And talking to Ryan was crossing her.

Deciding on some light was skinny jeans and my white high top converse, I pulled the jersey over my head and tucked it in. Surprisingly the sweat smell was non-existent, his cologne had over taken my sense of smell.

"It's 5:30 we should go now so we can tell the boys good luck. Are we meeting Daria and James?" Demi asked as she made her way into my room as I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

"5 minutes. And yes we are meeting her there." I answered and Demi nodded walking across the hall to her room. I quickly put on some mascara and chap stick.

"Ready?" I asked Demi grabbing my mittens.

She nodded and padded behind me in number 64's jersey. Her nose was stuck in her phone, and I noticed just how decked out she was.

"You're going to freeze you know." I added raising my eyebrow at her choice of attire.

"Eh, all part of the price." She shrugged.

"I guess, who's 64?" I asked her locking the apartment up.

"Ryan's roommate Eli." She answered making her way to my car.

"Oh, cool I guess." I told her as I started the car and drove to Lion Stadium.

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