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"What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here."


      My body ached as I pushed it to go in more positions possible than my body was used to. Sweat dripped in pools down my body and I could hear it as it thudded on the ground when the song had a resting point. My dancing partner’s breaths were just as labored as mine. We both were stressed and I knew we weren’t helping our bodies, but that’s what dancing was about, pushing past your breaking point. I was so tired I had to place my arms on my head to regain a normal breathing pattern.


       My ringtone went off for the third time in the last twenty minutes, and yet I still ignored it. My partner Cameron and I had a recital Halloween night and that was two days away, and we still needed to improve in several places. If my dance teacher saw the struggle  we were going through she’d have our asses on a silver platter. Once it went off again I made my way to the phone a sigh leaving my lips as I picked it up.


“Sorry Cameron it’s my brother. Can I take this?”


“Please do I need a break!” He sighed dramatically throwing himself on a random chair.


“Hello?” I coughed into the phone.


“Sweet cheeks guess who’s in town!” My brother”s voice sounded.


“No one I care about?” I joked wiping my forehead with a towel.


“Me idiot! Where are you baby sis?”


“That depends is your hair still the way it is the last time I saw you? Because if so than im not telling you where I am.”


“My hair is fabulous! Are you not excited for this dinner!” I could hear his thick accent mocking the family gathering my parents were hosting.


“I’d rather shit in my hands and clap, if the whole family including aunts and uncles are gonna be there.”


“You’re a hoot P. But seriously where are you?” He laughed.


“I’m at my studio, I just decided to ride the bus so you can come pick me up in ten?”


“See you then sweet cheeks!” he hung up as I sighed, and smiled as Cameron without trying to be creepy. He may have a girlfriend and even if I have seen his abs several times and yet I can’t get used to them. He had discarded his shirt a good hour ago and sweat glistened on his stomach reminding me of a certain vampire. He looked close to death so I decided to put him out of his misery.


“Call it a day Simmons?”


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