The best quotes of Dick Grayson

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"It's literally 5am, I can't deal with this right now."

- Dick Grayson, after dropping his bowl of cereal.

" I'm having an existential crisis, can we do this later?"

- Dick lying on the floor, curled in a ball while Bruce begged him to get up.

" Hold my chimichanga while I beat this bitch."

- carnival games are always a challenge Dick's up for

" Can you please die a little quieter? Some people are busy here."

- After Tim started choking on a marshmallow.

" I'm scared of two things. Taxes and Barbara."

- Dick's conversation with the Joker.

" Oh fuck- shit SORRY."

- after burping louder in front of the Mayor of Gotham. Bruce's glare could have turned him into stone.

" Jokes on you, I wanna die."

- fighting with Two-Face

"Who invited the rat over?"

-When Jason randomly turns up to a family gathering.


-Dick when he can't find his cereal 


-When he finds it 

"So fuck, I like it"

-When everyone comments on how ugly his jumper is

 "I  just fell down the stairs"

"Update, unfortunately, I didn't die"

-Dick when Bruce asked him for an update on a file

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