Chapter 4: Ackward Situations and a Clueless Captain

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Oi! Chapter four is here! ;) Hope you guys like this, I'm not making promises, but I'll see if I can make this an extra long chapter!


... Ok I'll try to make it longer!

Enjoy :)

~BTW! I updated chapter 3, so this wouldn't make sense if you read chapter 3 before already! So make sure to reread chapter three's ending ^_^



I didn't know what I gotten myself into...

I couldn't believe I had to...


Nami's Pov:

... Kiss Luffy?!

I backed away slowly and bumped into the wall, panting softly.

Luffy looked concerned, and walked up to me a few inches closer. "Is something wrong, Nami?" It seemed to me he was being clueless as usual...

"N-no! I'm fine, Luffy... Just go back to reading, ok?" I told him. He grinned and nodded. I sighed, still a bit shaky, I sat down and opened my book to where I was at. I could tell my face was still burning badly.

I still remained shaky, so I stood up and took my book with me.

"Luffy, I'm going to get some water, I'll be right back." I told him, still blushing faintly.

"Ok." Was his reply, so I walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. When I went in, I took a glass cup and poured some water in. I walked towards the sink, leaning into it, and took a sip. It soothed my nerves a bit, but not enough to stop the million thoughts that swam in my head.

Right when I was about to leave, Robin came in the kitchen, keeping me from leaving.

"Hello Nami-san." Robin said, smiling at me.

"Uh, hi Robin." I said, trying to hide the deep shade of red that covered my cheeks. Robin looked at me suspiciously, I tried to avoid eye contact.

"Nami, what's wrong?" Robin asked, I flinched, seeing how I knew she would say something like that.

"I-I'm fine, really." I reassured her, but she didn't look completely convinced. She eyed the book I was holding.

"The Princess and the Farm Boy? A fairy tale play, I suppose." I gasped quietly, and hid the book behind my back. Blushing frantically, she smiled smugly.

"What?" I asked her, she just shook her head and continued to smile.

"Nothing, navigator-san. Have fun with the play, you'd make a great princess." And with that, Robin left, leaving me speechless. How did she know I was the princess in the play?!

That didn't matter to me though, I shook my head and left the kitchen. My thoughts had left me, being replaced with a blank mind. As I walked back into me room, I looked at Luffy. It looked like he was reading around the end of the book. I yelped, I was afraid he was reading the last scene!

"Eh?" Luffy said, this made me panic a little. Luffy sweat dropped.

"How weird..." He said, then looked up to me and smiled.

"Oh hi Nami, didn't realise you were here." He changed thoughts pretty quick. I looked at him with perplexed look, as if he just throw his straw hat out to sea.

I gave a small smile, and sat back to where I was. I opened my book, trying to get back to reading my lines.

What confused me the most was Luffy's reaction, it looked to me that Luffy was uncomfortable about this idea... But shortly after, he acted as if nothing happened. What could be running through that thick skull of his?

The blush crept back into my face, I noticed and tried to get my head off of this. Seriously, what was going on with me? I mean sure, I was losing my first kiss to my idiot captain, but it's not like it will be my last. I couldn't get my mind off of him, this was a new feeling of mine, one I haven't felt before.

I took quiet deep breaths to try to calm my nerves down. Surprisingly, it was working a little. I flipped through the pages, completely focused on the lines. Luffy came up surprising me.

I looked up to him, still a little flushed.

"My part has a lot of lines." Luffy complained. When he said that, the warm feelings I had left me. I sighed.

"Luffy, just shut up and read your lines." I told him. He frowned, but then his smile quickly returned to his face.

"I hang with the princess a lot in this play, shishishi." A small blush crept into my face... Again. Did he really know?

"Uh, yeah." I replied, he seemed a little to jumpy.

"Nami..." Luffy being to say.

"Yeah?" I said, he looked a bit annoyed.

"... I don't think I'll do well with my part." And with that, Luffy left along with his book in his hands.

How weird, I thought.

Wooo! Chapter four, DONE!

(^O^)I hope you guys like this chapter! AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR 63 reads!! 🙈

Hope this chapter was long enough, I actually did it guys! ( ◕‿◕ ) An extra long chapter!! 😁

Please review!! :D

Next chapter, Suspicious Crew Mates

-CandyTopia ;)

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