Chapter 7: A farmers way of escape

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Thank you for the wonderful reviews! I have brought chapter 7 here!! XD Please continue to rate and comment on this story, makes my day ❤️

Alright, enjoy!


"Nami, hold on tight, ok?" Luffy told, I nodded, making sure to hold on tightly.

Why where the marines here?!

Nami's Pov:

I heard footsteps getting louder coming from the door, I was getting worried. Maybe the marines knew that we were in the play some how. WAIT! What was Luffy planning on doing?!

"Wait! L-luffy! What are you planning on doing?!" I asked him nervously.

"I'm going to launch is up to that opening above." Luffy said simply, I completely flipped.

"WHAT?! Wait, Luffy, nooooo!!" I yelled as Luffy yelled his signature move-

"Gum gum... Rocket!" He launched us straight into he air, flying out of the building and out to the outside air.

"LUFFY!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!" I yelled as I noticed we were falling, Luffy stretched his arm over to another building, swinging his way while carrying me along with him to another building. My dress rifled from the force of the wind, I tried hard not to tear the beautiful costume.

Luffy landed us safely to a building, dropping me off as he stood up. Our landing was rather... Rough.

"Shishishi! That was fun! Now, where are we?" Luffy said as he looked around. I walked up to him with a tick mark appearing on my head, I hit his head.

"Ow! What the heck, Nami!!" Luffy whined.


"We had no other choice, the marines were coming from one side, and there wasn't a way out on the other side except straight up." Luffy defended himself. I pulled his buttoned shirt and yanked him back and forth.

"You still have to warn me before being reckless, is that understood!!" I yelled.

"Yes! I'm sorry!!" Luffy said weakly. I looked around to see where we were, it looked like we weren't that far from the rehearsals.

"Well, we aren't that far from the rehearsals, I'll give you that." I said, making Luffy smile.

I started walking in the roof, making my to the end, while having Luffy follow behind me.

"Luffy, get us to the other side." I told Luffy and he nodded, he put his arms around my waist and stretched his arms over to the otherside, swinging us to other side.

We landed on the roof, Luffy let go of me and I walked to the edge again, with Luffy following. I looked down and the first thing I saw were a group of marines that were walking, I got so startled that I stumbled back and fell on Luffy, making him fall.

"What? What is it, Nami?" Luffy asked, I opened my eyes and turned to see myself on top of Luffy, I quickly got off of him and blushed slightly.

"I-I just saw marines." I told him, he frowned, looking like he was thinking deep.

"Let's jump off." Luffy said.

"What?! But the marines-" I started to say but was cut off by Luffy.

"We'll jump off on the other side. Let's go!" Luffy said as he wrapped his arms around me and jumped off the building on the other side. I screamed my head off, again, as we made our way down to the ground. Luffy landed on the ground with a thud and carefully let me off.

The Navigator's PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora