Chapter 8: Hide & Seek the Truth

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OH MY GOD!! Thank you so much for more than 750 reads!! And 53 votes!! ❤️ You guys are awesome, thank you guys for reading this story! I'm sorry I take a million years to update! T_T Yet you still keep up with me, thank you guys!! 💕
Hopefully, I can make this chapter longer!

Alright, enjoy!

Nami's Pov:

I felt so helpless in bed, where all I could do was stare at the ceiling. Just... Hopeless!

Well, maybe I wasn't really entirely hopeless...

I could still beat the crap out of a rubbery simpleton.

"LUFFY! Stop bugging me!" I yelled at Luffy.

Every since the ankle incident, he'd always come to my room, it was bad enough that my ankle was bandaged and that I needed to stay in bed for at least 3 days, Luffy just made it worse!

"But Nami, I'm bored!!" Luffy whined, I sighed.

"Then why are you here in the first place? Just get out! Go play with Usopp or Chopper or something, just don't bug me!" I yelled at him, fumming.

"But I feel bad." Luffy said as he pouted. I stared at him for a while, I sighed.

"Luffy, why?" I asked him, I looked up at me with a hint of guilt lingering in his eyes.

"I feel bad that I had you get your ankle twisted." All I could do was stare at him, it was just a twisted ankle... Right?

A small smile was all I could muster up.

"Luffy, it's alright." I told him. I looked up at me and smiled.

"By the way, that was a "pretty good" save you made back there." Luffy laughed, I groaned while rubbing my forehead. I didn't know HOW I was able to get out of that mess...

You guys do know what I'm talking about, right?

Did I not tell you?

Ah! I didn't! Sorry about that ;) (author: not really, HAHAHAHA!) On to that story then!

"The crew gathered around examining Luffy and I. Crap, how was I going to get out of this one?!

"I HEAR NAMI-SWAAAAAAAN!!" I heard Sanji say from the kitchen.

Just great!"


I panicked at the sound of Sanji yelling my name out loud, I fell backwards. I could tell I was lying on Luffy... Again. How many times was that? It's not even awkward anymore...

"What? What is it?" Luffy asked her. I quickly got off of him.

"Non-nothing!" I lied, I thought if I stayed quiet he wouldn't-

"NAMI-SWAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Sanji said as he come out the kitchen, greeting me with something that look like a desert dish with... mikans?

I covered my face with my hands, I totally jinxed myself!

"Nami-Swan! I made you something with mikans!" Sanji said happily. Did he not notice my costume? Maybe-

"... NAMI-SWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! I love your new wardrobe style!!" Sanji said as he circled around me, his eyes the shape of hearts.

Damn it, I jinxed myself again!

I groaned.

"Anyways... What are you guys doing in these costumes on?" Franky asked.

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