Chapter 6: A Night to Remeber

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Hi Minna, chapter 6 is here! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REVIEWS AND RATINGS!!! It keeps from abandoning this story 😊 Thank you guys for being patient! I know, I suck 😂 I've realized my chapters are sort of short... I'll try to make this a bit longer than usual! ;)

Alright, enjoy!


"I suddenly noticed someone sitting outside on the sunny's head. I realized it was Luffy, and he seemed to be the only one out on the main deck. I suddenly remembered the script book I had to return to him, this was probably a perfect time to do that. Maybe this was what kept me from drawing my map.

I went out, to go meet with my captain, the one who I was returning a book to, the one who I was supposedly going to kiss..."
Nami's Pov:

I walked up towards Luffy, about to tap his shoulder... But what stopped me was how awfully quiet he was. I watched him swinging his legs back and forth, staring up at the sky. I smiled, seeing him this calm was unusual for Luffy, it was a rather appealing. Although, I'm sort of used to the loud and hyper version of Luffy. I let that thought leave my mind as I walked up a bit closer to him and taped on his shoulder.

He turned towards me and slowly smiled, which made me jump. I didn't realize how close I was towards Luffy... I faintly blushed and took a couple steps back.

"Hi Nami! What are you doing up?" Luffy asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, anyway, that's not the point here," I told Luffy, I looked into his eyes, he looked back into mine. I blinked a couple times and slightly shook my head.

"Um, anyways... You dropped your script book." I handed Luffy the book, and he blinked a few times and grinned.

"Thanks! I forgot I left this somewhere," Luffy said. I sighed, he keeps forgetting things... Eventually he might leave the book where our crew members could snatch it from us!

I started thinking what if Sanji got a hold of it, or worse, Usopp, or Robin-OR WORSE, ZORO!!

"I was afraid someone would read it." Hearing Luffy say that made me stop thinking about the crew into that stupid kiss scene. I blushed just thinking about it. Wait! Does he know?

"W-what do you mean by that?" I asked Luffy. He looked confused, which only confused me more.

"Because you would've pulverized me if you found out... Since you wanted the play thing to be a secret, right?" Luffy said innocently. I sighed, I felt some what better... But, I thought, didn't his crew members already knew he was in a play?

"Right, ok, whatever," I looked away, thinking about the kiss scene out of the blue. I cursed for bringing it up again, I turned and looked Luffy in the eyes.

"Luffy... I don't now if we should continue to be in the play." Luffy stared back into my eyes with a much more stern look then mine, almost causing me to flinch and look away.

"I-I mean, there are other jobs we could take, or, we could-" I started making other ideas of things we could before Luffy interrupted me.

"Nami, if you leave, the play directs won't be able to find a better princess." After hearing Luffy say that, I gasped, keeping me from losing eye contact from Luffy. The blushed crept towards my face, finally managing to look away so that Luffy wouldn't notice.

I couldn't help but smile, smile for the fact that he would think that way.

What a baka.

"Plus," Luffy continued, "I want to know how it feels like to wear farming cloths, and talk to animals! I'd be the king of farmers!!" Luffy said proudly. I sighed, rubbing my forehead. And there goes mature Luffy!

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