Chapter 1: Pain

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Percy was walking around camp, trying to find her fiancé. She was going to visit her mom, and really wanted to say goodbye to him. Like, you'd think after two wars, college, and getting engaged that she'd be able to find that owl brained boy. But, nope.

"I swear, searching for Antonio is harder than getting a Sayter to admit that they are half donkey." She Muttered to herself, as she walked towards the beach. Surprisingly, she found Antonio there.

However, he was making out with Drew Tanaka. Percy felt her heart constrict, and her mind froze. The image of seeing her Wise Guy, making out with Drew Tanaka. Was burned into her brain.

She couldn't stop staring, and she felt her heart shattering more and more the longer she watched. She didn't realize that Aphrodite and her kids everywhere in every Parthenon felt it, or that everyone in her father's domain felt it to.


"Aphrodite, What was that tremor?!?" Demanded Zeus, and Aphrodite was in shock.

"Percy, her heart. Just, shattered." Aphrodite managed to say, and everyone was shocked. Zeus pulled up a view of Percy, and the entire council was horrified to see Antonio and Drew in a heated makeout session, and Percy frozen in place watching.

"By the Fates." Apollo said, eyes wide. Athena looked absolutely horrified, and Poseidon looked about ready to tear Antonio apart limb from limb.

'Wise Guy?' Percy Said quietly, and he turned to face her. Pure shock and horror in his face, and something else.

'Percy, What are you doing there? What am I doing here?' He Said, clearly confused by what was going on, and the gods could see both of the young adults where seriously hurt.

'Antonio, how could you?' Percy Said quietly, before she backed up. Then bolted, her stuff on her back. She ran as fast as she could to the camp border.

'Percy, Wait. Please, Percy!' Shouted Antonio, But when he reached Percy at the camp border, she spun around and slapped him.

'Antonio Andreas Batson Chase, we're done. I'm breaking off the engagement, how could you cheat on me with Drew?!?' She Shouted, as tears fell from her eyes. She took off the ring, and threw it at him. Then she fled down the other side of the hill, into the forest.

"What just happened?!?" Artemis Shouted, completely and utterly confused.

"I have absolutely no idea." Hera Said, and she knew how seriously Antonio took his relationship with Percy. He loved the sea brat more than himself, he seriously held the sky for the girl.

"I do, Percy and Antonio's hearts shattered, and someone's lit with glee. I don't know who's yet, but there is so much lust and longing. Someone sabotaged their relationship, and I sure as chaos am gonna find out who. Nobody hurts my opts, or hurts my cousins!" Aphrodite Said, as her eyes flashed red.


Percy collapsed, her knees just gave out. She started to sob uncontrollably into her hands, eventually bringing her knees up to her chest and crying into them.

She heard the ocean, and began to crawl to the sound. When she got there, dirty, and absolutely a wreck. She made her way to the waves, and sat in the surf. Allowing the water to get her wet, and to let her feel the cold.

She stared at the waves, as they lapped over her. The ocean was a murky green ish grey, the grey reminded her of Antonio. She looked down, at her hands. She still saw her engagement ring on her finger, and it was just too much for her. She looked up at the sky, and screamed. It was full of such pure raw emotions that her powers lashed out, a tsunami crashed lever her. After she created a crater, and sent a blast outwards. An earthquake had started up, and she didn't care.

"Percy?!?" Someone Said from behind her, she turned her head to find Thalia and the Hunt. Percy just looked at her cousin with such a hurt expression, that Thalia recoiled. She's never seen Percy cry so badly before, and call it her sister instincts. She ran forward and engulfed her cousin in a hug. Allowing the heroine of Olympus to breakdown completely, and cry her heart out.

"Shhh, shhh. I've got you Kelp Face, I've got you. Why don't you tell me what this is about?" Thalia said soothingly, and Percy shook her head no.

"Was it Antonio? Did something happen to him?" Thalia Asked, and Percy nodded. She had to tell someone, and Thalia would give him what he deserved.

"Antonio, He-He-He cheated on me. With Drew! Why would he do something like that Thalia? Was I not good enough for him or something?" Percy Asked her cousin before she lost it all completely, the hunt gathered around them, knowing she needed feminine support more than anything right now.

"Wait, Antonio cheated on you?!? With Drew?!?!!!!!! But, you two are engaged. He wouldn't do something like that, Percy he loves you more than himself. Antonio would never do that." Thalia Said, but Percy separated and looked at her cousin with such a heartbroken look that Thalia and the hunt all felt the girls pain.

"I thought the same thing, I thought that nothing could come between us. But that doesn't matter, that's not reality. He cheated on me with that slutty daughter of Aphrodite, even when he knew we were engaged! I just ended my only relationship, my only real sense of normality in my screwed up life, and ran!" Percy screamed, before three people exited the dangerous surf. When they looked, they saw it was Percy's dad and brothers.

"Percy, come with us. We'll take you someplace where you will be happy." Poseidon said, and Percy stood up, and took her brothers hand.

"Bye Pinecone Face, ill see you later." Percy Said, as she walked hand in hand with her brothers and father back into the surf.

Leaving behind one livid daughter of Zeus, and a whole lot of pissed of demigod girls. Who already hated men with a passion, and just got more fuel for their ragging fires of hate.

"Girls, let's go to camp. We've got a son of Athena to visit, and then a daughter of Poseidon to find." Thalia Said, before the hunt headed to camp.


"Percy, are you sure about this?" Asked her brother, and she nodded.

"Yes, I have to find myself. I've been with Antonio for years, I've known him since we where twelve. This wasn't the Antonio I know and love, but I have to get over him. So, I have to do this. Alone." She told him, as she gave him a hug, he sighed.

"I get that, I really do. But, sis, you're not in your right mind." He told her, and she sighed.

"I know, but I need to sort this out, on my own." She Said, then she swam to her dad.

"I love you daddy, please, find out why Antonio did what he did. That wasn't my Wise Guy, but, I can't be around him with the image of him and Drew interlocking lips." She told him, and Poseidon nodded.

"I will my sea star, but here. This should mask your scent for the most part, in Europe." He told her, giving her a bracelet. She put it on then swam off, disappearing into sea mist.

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