○Burning Bridges

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~This is the thing I mentioned in Exit Music so... Yeah I wasn't gonna post it but here it is anyway~

They say -
Well, they say a great deal of things.
"Shoot for the moon, "
"Actions speak louder than words, "
"Rome wasn't built in a day, "

And we hear a great deal more, more words
Babblings, poetry, metaphors, even novels.
They say,
Humans are of the most intelligent species,
Science is cutting edge,
It's the dawn of a new age.

They say,
Students are killing themselves,
People are shooting, bombing, destroying others,
Our land is peaceful.

They say, they say, they say.
Say what?
I've been aiming for the moon, aiming with all my heart,
But I missed
I've since drifted in an endless vacuum, forever reaching out for the burning gaseous stars.

Words, nothing but words.
My hands write, work, move with the flow
Of the ocean of people around me
Where words will drown before they leave my lips.
What are they saying?

Rome still stands today,
But didn't they call themselves once a Great Empire,
Everlasting, it's ruins are an attraction that nothing is.

They say,
A great deal things
"Curiosity killed the cat, "
"If you can't convince them, confuse them, "
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, "

And a great deal of things are happening.
They say,
It would cost ten billion,
To give everyone clean water.

They say,
A country spent fifty times that,
To wage a pointless war.

They say,
They say its dangerous to ask the wrong questions,
They say a never ending string of nonsense,
They say the bridge is built,
And herd us towards the cliffside.

They say,
"If a tree falls in a forest, "
Does anyone care?


This was a 4am thing I think. Can't remember.

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