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In the morning, the women could be found in various spots around the room. Zendaya was sprawled out on the living room floor in front of the coffee table, a few beer cans by her head. Lisa was curled up on one end of the couch, covering herself with a big pillow. Lauren made her way to the bed, but was only half way on it, kind of like she was praying. Normani was all the way on the bed, wrapped up in the covers tightly. China was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch. A loud bang was heard on the door and Lisa was the first to jump up. The rest of the women, were kind of heavy sleepers.

"Management! It's 12:30!" A squeaky voiced man said from the other side of the door.

"Shit!" Lisa said, getting up.

"Get the hell up! GET UP!" Lisa yelled, causing the women to stir.

"What Lise?" China said groggily, wiping her eyes.

"Bitch, it's 12:30! We gotta pay for another day or get out, NOW." Lisa said. China jumped up and dived on the bed to wake Mani and Lauren up. The impact made Lauren fly backward into a wall and hit her head.

"Girl what the fuck?" Mani said, getting up slowly.

"This room is doubled on the weekends. If you don't wanna pay over a thousand dollars for it tonight, get up now!" China said, hopping off the bed and getting her stuff together.

"What the whole fuuuuck duuude..? My head! China! I'm gonna kill you!" Lauren said, getting up slowly. Lisa had already gotten Zendaya up, the taller girl was standing up with her bag on her back and her eyes closed. Everyone else was racing around to get their things.

"It's 1:00! Another thirty minutes and we're coming in!" Said the same voice. Lauren jogged to the door and opened it. A short, balding white man in a grey suit stood there, his face red as a tomato.

"Hey little dude, we were just leaving. We over slept a bit." Lauren said.

"This is highly irregular and not how I run my business miss." He said angrily. Zendaya pushed passed both of them.

"Peace." She said to the short man, throwing up a peace sign and sauntering down the hall slowly. Mani came next.

"Sorry sir." She said, following Zendaya.

"Excuse me." China said, leaving the room too. Lisa came last, handing Lauren her bag.

"See? We're outta here. Have a good one." Lauren said to the short man, slamming the door shut and following her girls.
The women were now in the car, on the highway going south to stop in Alabama, Louisiana and Georgia. First stop, Georgia. Lauren was driving still, insisting she could drive for the whole trip. Lauren turned down a road that was deserted. The GPS said it was a short cut. There was only fields and trees on each side of them, with the ocassional house.

"We didn't eat breakfast and we're still in pajamas!" Lisa complained.

"Then change." Zendaya said, staring out the window.

"Right!" Lisa said. She started stripping in the backseat, until she was naked.

"Somebody got baby wipes?" She asked. China looked back then turned back around quickly.

"Lisa what the hell?" She said, covering her eyes.

"Oh shut up, I got the same shit you got!" Lisa said.

"It looks different!" China yelled.

"Here." Zendaya said, going through China's purse and throwing Lisa the baby wipes.

"Magic! Thanks." Lisa said, wiping herself off with them, then getting dressed.

"That takes care of my bath. I'm still hungry." Lisa said.

"Here." Zendaya said, handing her a piece of dried seaweed. Lisa took it and looked at it like it was a foreign object.

"What the hell is this Z?"

"A snack."

"No. Normani is a snack. THIS is some bullshit." Lisa said, crumbling the seaweed in a cup holder, making Normani laugh.

"You could've gave it back, you bitch!" Zendaya said angrily, reaching back to hit Lisa, who just grabbed her hand and tried to bend her fingers.

"Stop stupid! STOP!" Zendaya yelled.

"Oh my God! Stop that shit! It's like having kids!" Normani yelled, making the two girls stop almost immediately. Normani turned the radio up and it was on a rock station. Photograph by Def Leppard had just come on.

"I'm outta luck, outta love. Got a photograph, picture of." Normani started.

"Passion killer, you're too much! You're the only one I wanna touch!" Lauren sang, tapping the steering wheel.

"I see your face every time I dream! On every page every magazine! So wild and free, so far from me! You're all I want, my FANTASY!" The other three women started to sing. Then they all sang,

"Ohhh! Look what you've done to this rock and roll clown! OHHHH! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DOOONE!" They yelled. A shot rang through the air and all the women started yelling and ducking.

"What the fuck?!" Lauren yelled, ducking and trying to drive, almost in the grass.

"Oh my God are they aiming for us?!" China yelled. The shots kept ringing out until the car pulled up on the side of them, on the driver's side.

"Pull over you thieving bitch!" A man said in a strong, Italian accent.

"Oh shit!" Lauren said, ramming the side of his car, making him swerve into a ditch. His car flipped over and Lauren looked out the window and yelled, giving him the finger. She leaned back in the car and saw the looks on the women's faces. China looked scared, Lisa looked shocked, holding her hand to her chest. Zendaya had her eyes closed and was breathing hard. Normani looked.. pissed.

"Who the FUCK was that Jauregui?! Who the fuck was that?!" Normani yelled at the smiling brunette.

"Calm down. He's just some guy I... took some money from at the club, no big deal." She said.

"What? Are you fucking stupid?! You stole money from that guy?!" China yelled.

"Hey! Its fine. I'll get it under control, don't worry. Let's not let it ruin our trip." Lauren said calmly.

"Our trip? Fuck this trip Lauren! You're fucking crazy! This is too much. I wanna go home NOW!" Zendaya said. Lauren stopped the car, making everyone fly forward.

"What... did you just call me?"

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