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(No ones pov this time)

The ride home was long and silent, the women only talking when need be. They were all still royally pissed off at Lauren, their so called friend who had risked all their lives for money.

"Normani, I have something to tell you." China said while Normani was driving.

"I already know China." Normani said.

"What? Zendaya I told you not-"

"And I didn't." Zendaya said, not looking at the younger girl.

"It became a little obvious the other night, the way you were looking at me while I was helping Z. We can talk about it when we get home, okay?" Normani said.

"No, not okay. We need to talk about this now." China said calmly. Mani sighed and eyed the girl in the rearview mirror.

"This isn't everyone's business Chi-"

"I wanna know." Lisa said, sitting up.

"Go back to sleep Lise. The doctor said-"

"Fuck that doctor. What's tea?" Lisa interrupted Mani.

"Mani, I like you. I've always liked you. You always make me feel comfortable wherever we go and you don't tease me about my disorder. You don't.. have to like me back... I just wanted to get that off my chest.." China said quietly. The car was silent for a minute before Normani spoke up.

"I wish I could say I liked you back in the same way Chi, but I don't. Can we stay friends? If it's okay with you?" Mani said, talking in that soft voice she only used when she talked to China. China smiled at her in the rearview mirror.

"That's fine with me Mani." She said softly.

"Awwww. So that was it? That was tea? Damn girl, we been knew that." Lisa said, disappointingly leaning back in her seat.

"Uhm, no. China kind of gave me the courage to say how I feel." Normani said, taking a deep breath.

"Z, I actually, kinda like you." She said. Zendaya looked at the back of Mani's head like she was crazy, China looked a little hurt, Lisa looked shocked, and Lauren kept looking out of the window, staring blankly at the road.

"R-really?" Zendaya asked.

"Yeah, really. Have since I met you in seventh grade." She admitted.

"Sorry Japan." Lisa said, patting China's shoulder. China gave her the finger and swatted her hand away.

"I don't know what to say." Zendaya said.

"If I were you, I'd go for it. Out of the two people in this car who like Mani, she likes you." China said.

"Two?" Lisa asked, her eyes getting big, enjoying all the information she was getting.

"Lauren obviously has a thing for Mani too, if none of you could tell." China said, matter of factly.

"How about a date Z?" Mani asked hopefully. Z smiled at her, but shook her head no.

"Sorry Mani. I don't want to lose our friend dynamic. I love you like a sister. I don't think I could ever love you in any other way. You're one of my oldest pals." Zendaya said.

"Ha! That's what you get for turning China down! Z turned you down!" Lisa yelled.

"Shut the fuck up and go back to sleep Lisa!" Z yelled to the girl, who sat back in her seat with her hands up.

"It's alright Z. You're probably right." Mani said. The car now had an awkward silence settled over it. 

"I know what to do." Lauren said, still looking out the window.

"Huh?" Z said, leaning forward. Mani hadn't spoken to Lauren since she told them about selling drugs.

"I'm gonna kill myself." She said plainly, like it wasn't something serious. Lisa chuckled nervously.

"Uh, Lauren, that's not funny. D-don't say stuff like that." She said, her voice shaking a little.

"I'm serious. I almost hurt the people I care about the most, I did hurt the people I care about the most. I was so mean to you guys... You guys hate me." She said.

"Don't be so dramatic Jauregui. None of us hate you, we're just.. angry with you right now." China said, not sure what to say.

"I'm gonna jump out of this fucking car and get smashed by speeding cars. I deserve it." Lauren said, her voice at its same low octave it had been.

"Lauren-" before Mani could finish what she said, Lauren flung her door open and tried to snatch her seat belt off.

"LAUREN!" Mani yelled, trying to get over to pull over on the side of the road, but no car would let her over. China instinctively grabbed Lauren around the neck, while Zendaya lunged forward to grab her arm, since it was the only thing she could get a good grip on.

"LET ME GO! LET GO OF ME!" Lauren yelled, the street below her moving quickly.

"Get back in the damn car Jauregui!" Lisa yelled helplessly.

"Lauren stop! I'm losing my grip!" China yelled, her voice shaking.

"Mani pull over!" Zendaya yelled, she was losing her grip too.

"THEY WONT FUCKIN LET ME! LET ME THE FUCK OVER!" She yelled at a man in a pick up truck. His eyes got big and he sped up, while the small car in back of them slowed down. Mani pulled over on the side of the road for what seemed like the hundredth time on this trip. The whole car was quiet except for Lauren crying softly.

"I don't wanna be here anymore! I don't know what to do! I never do the right thing and I always hurt the people I care about! I don't wanna be sick anymore!" She said softly. Normani unbuckled her seat belt and went to the passenger side of the car to Lauren. She snatched her out of the car and engulfed her in a strong hug.

"We love you Lauren. We all make mistakes, it's okay. We still love you." Normani said to the raven haired woman, the other three watched from the car.

"But I hate myself." Lauren said.

"Well learn to love yourself! Just how you are Lauren! Whether you have a illness or not!" Normani said, rocking the woman back and forth. Lisa spoke up from her spot in the car.

"Uhm, maybe you should date Lauren, Mani."

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