Finally some answers...

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I can't believe that I'm now mated to kira my mate, and having her in my arms was like the most incredible feeling I've ever felt in my life, my heart swells at the three words that comes out of her sweet lips and my heart skips a beat every time she smiles, i know i sound girly but its true that's how i really feel, she stirred in my arms and i held her tight then she sighed in content i smiled loving how i can make her content in my arms

"dude stop staring at her" said justin amused and i turned to him smiling like fool

"i can't shes just so beautiful and mine" i said looking back at kira still smiling like a fool then i heard justin laughed

"whipped" he said

"just as long as i have her i don't care" i said carrying now sleeping kira in my arms

"goodnight everyone" i said then i carried kira upstairs to our room i smiled at the sound of the our room i laid her on the bad and climbed in with her and held her and she snuggled up to me and i smiled

"i love you so much kira!" I said then i kissed her sweet lips then i closed my eyes and fell asleep while holding my world in my arms!


This dreaming shit is just getting on my nerves, seriously why can't i just sleep witth out ng sucked into some portal shit, for once can't i sleep in peace?! Then i heard someone laugh and that laugh was so familiar to my ears, i have grew up listening to that laugh i turned around to see my father standing there looking at me amused

"you better learn to control your powers then or you'll lose sleep" he said still looking amused and i just stood there staring at him with tears in my eyes my father stood in front of me now looking at me with so much pride

" it really you?" I asked and he smiled

"it is dear"

"b-b-but how?" I asked a little shocked

"well you summoned me dear" then my face quickly turned to confusion and i guess i look funny cause my dad started laughing so hard and pointing at my face

"I'm confused" i said and he calm down but still look like his about to blow then he cleared his throat "the answer you seek is inside of you" he said and i looked at him confused again

"what?" Then he slightly shook from laughter

"the answer you seek is inside of you" he repeated then he disappeared and once again i was sucked in a swirl then i woke up opening my eyes really fast to see a pair of lips coming towards my eyes and i was still feeling the effect of the spin so i was looking at a dozen pair of lips and i panicked

"ahhhh" i screamed and trying to block the lips then they screamed and i smacked it then it disappear i turned to look for silo but he wasnt in bed with me

"oh come on" i said frustrated and i smacked my self

"wake the hell up kira!" Tn i heard a groan and silos head popped up at the other side

"yeah..wake the hell up" he said groaning and by then my vision was now normal and i flew across the bed and jumped on silo

"omg i just saw a dozen pair of lips trying to attack me" i said my eyes wide and i looked slightly freaked out he stared at me like i was crazy

"are you crazy?!" He asked and i looked at him offended


"That was me kira i wss gonna kiss you to wake you up and you freaked and smacked me" i gave him a sweet smile

"oh" was all i said and he laughed

"you are weird..and mine!" Then he capture my lips in his, then i got up and smiled when he growled

"i got some work to do" i said and he nod

"just don't work to hard ok!" I smiled i "wont" then i walked in to the bathroom to take a shower.

I was currently sitting on the big bolder at the secret place just relaxing and thinking if what my father said getting frustrated

'what does he mean?' I asked my wolf and she sighed

'what is inside you kira?'

'You' i said then it clicked 'your the answer? I dint get it'

'are you ready for answers?' She said seriously


'do you remember the stories that elder vern told you' i thought about it

'which one?'

'The great warrior with your powers'

'yeah i remember' i said a bit cautious

'that was your great great grandfather the power he posses skipped two generation, and it is said that if one of his children birth a girl then she will be the most powerful wolf in the land, but you father mated you mom his mate that was a luna and your father having alpha blood in him and so you pu them together you get the most powerful werewolf in the planet' i didn't know what to say

'we are the most powerful werewolf in this planet, and some of your powers are just surfacing'

'is that why their after me?' I said frustrated

'no..that is the only one I'm clueless about, they don't know anything bout your power no one dies except for us'

'but dad-'

'thats what i mean kira' she said rolling her eyes

' this means i have a pack of rogues who are after me and we don't know why?' I asked

'yes' she confirm it and i nod

'huh...well this will suck for them' i said

'why?' I smile evilly

'cause i got something they dont' and she smiled

'this is gonna be good!' She laughed and i agreed with her

'oh yeah!' Then i jump down the boulder and walked towards the house.

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