✨No Days Off✨ (Ethan)

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It was currently 1:03 in the morning and I couldn't sleep at all and I have work at 5 a.m i'm sick but i really can't take any days off of work so I just have to live with it.

I started to cry because I wasn't feeling good at all and if I took a day off my boss would be very upset with me.

All of a sudden I felt Ethan flip over to the other side of his body so his face was facing me. He suddenly shot upwards when he heard me sniff.

"Y/N! Are you okay? What's wrong baby? Do I need to beat someone up?" Ethan was just asking me all of these questions and it make me smile because he cares about me.

"I don't fucking feel good and I have work at 5 and its literally fucking 1 and I can't take any damn days off!" I started to cry even harder at my bad headache that was starting to come.

He hugged me and he gently pulled me down to lay back down he kissed my cheek and pouted. "I hate when my babygirl doesn't feel okay." Ethan says. "I can't go get you some water and medication, please stay here." He smiled.

I nodded my head and Ethan quickly jogged out of our shared room in our apartment. Soon enough he came back and gave me water and 2 advil's. I took the pills and drank the water then layer back down.

Ethan slid into the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbing my hair with his other hand. "I love you baby and I really hope you get better before you go to work, please don't cry it hurts me to see you like this, I love you so so so much babygirl."

"What if I don't?! I can't take days off babe." I whined. "Fuck your boss, if my babygirl isn't feeling good then you're not going to work! Because that's bitchass is probably most likely gonna get mad when you get other people sick SO WHATS THE FUCKING P-" I cut Ethan off before he could yell any louder.

"Why the hell are you yelling?? Calm down!" I laughed.

"I'm sorry y/n I just...you deserve everything in the world and i don't want you to go to work sick, you have to be 100% okay before you can go back okay baby, even if that means that you miss today, fuck your dumb bald ass bos-"

"Ethan go to bed now." I said.

"Okay babygirl, I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

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