softie [e.d]

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ethan was the leader or a gang and he kidnapped you. (wow what a great way to start a story.)

after awhile he let you go to see your family. you told them that you were alright and that you went on a vacation but didn't want anyone to know and that you changed your number.

afterwards you decided to go BACK to ethan to see him again. he was shocked that you decided to come back but the thing is, you caught feelings for him, at first you hated his guts and wanted him to rot in hell but then something about him made you melt.

it was probably that he was extremely soft for you, but he was nasty to his gang members. it made you feel special because he was so nice. he made you feel like a baby and tried to protect you from the world. now it's been 4 months and ethan is still running the gang and you are now his girlfriend.

~ end of flashback~

"shutup before i punch you in the throat." ethan spat in a gang members face.

you sat in another room on your phone scrolling through edits of shawn mendes. when you heard ethan yell those words. your mouth formed into an o with those harsh words but you also couldn't help but laugh a little bit because you were just so shocked, well not really, he's said worse to you when he hated you.

you decided to leave the room and walk out to see what's up.

you saw ethan talking to everyone about their next attack. for some reason when ethan is serious you find it attractive.

you just stood in the far back listening to everything. occasionally some men would glance at you but you didn't care.

"why is everyone not fucking looking at me!? this is very serious." ethan said.

everyone looked at eachother then all stared at me.

"ehh." i said. making a face that looked like if i made a loud sound in a quiet room. (i hope u understand i can't explain it.)

ethan quickly turned around thinking someone was in the area but when he noticed it was just me his face softened.

"hi." i said softly while waving awkwardly as everyone in the room was looking at me.

ethan turned around to the boys and made a hand motion indicating for them to go away and do something. he slowly walked over to me with open arms.

"hi beautifal." he whispered.

"hello." i laughed hugging him back.

"i missed you a lot today. i just want to cuddle with you, princess." he whined.

damn his soft side is just beautifal.

DT1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora