Chapter 3

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I decided to ask Terry out for lunch and then I would tell her that I was going to London to study after I graduated. I took her to her favourite Chinese restaurant  where we would go almost every week.
“ it’s been  awhile that we are not alone without Theo" said Terry
“ yes, I know. We needed some girl time" I said smiling
“ so how's it going with Theo?  Is he hot under the covers?” asked Terry
“ Terry! I don’t kiss and tell" I said laughing
“ wait!  You are telling me that you finally did it?”
“ Terry, yes, the other night at the party" I said shyly
“ oh my God, I want details!” said Terry
“ Terry, I am not telling you anything more, just that he was great and a real gentleman “ I answered
“you are always so boring Dalia, but I will respect your privacy" said Terry as she ate
“ Terry there is something else I need to tell and I want you to hear me out before you say anything"
“ what's going on?” asked Terry surprisingly
“ Terry you know that soon I will be graduating, I have to think of my future and my dreams. I have always dreamt of studying in London so I applied for a university in London and I got accepted “
Terry sat there staring at me with her eyes wide open , “ you are going to London?” she said softly
“ after we graduated next month” I responded looking at her face becoming white
“ how could you do this to me, leave me here, you are so selfish! You never told me you had applied to go to London! How can you leave me and what about Theo? You just slept with him and now you are leaving!” shouted Terry
“ Terry that’s not fair, how can you say I’m selfish? And as for Theo  I will deal with it. You can’t say I’m selfish, I have always took care of you and your crazy habits, now I need to think about my future. “ I said with tears in my eyes
“ oh great, I was a weight so now you can just drop me and go make a new London friend, go be a slut in London!” Terry yelled and got up running out the door
I was hurt by her harsh words, how could she say those terrible words to me. I started crying. I got up and paid and went straight home. I cried in my room and kept thinking of the way Terry had acted. I would have hoped she would have been happy for me instead she called me selfish . I stayed the rest of the evening in my room. Theo had called but I didn’t feel like talking so I didn’t answer his calls.
The next day there my mom woke me up
“Dalia, wake up, Theo is here to see you, he is downstairs,  svegliati” said my mom shaking my hand
“ ok, tell him I will take a shower and I’ll call him later, please mom, I don’t want to see him now"
“ ok, va bene" she said leaving my room
I heard Theo  driving away and decided to get up and get dressed. I knew it was also time I explained to Theo about me leaving for London. I knew it was going to be hard having a long distance relationship but if our feelings were strong it could be done. I didn’t want to break up with him because I really liked him and deep down inside I think my feelings were much stronger even if I still wasn’t ready to admit it. He hadn't said that he loved me yet and I didn’t want to be the first to say it. I called him and told him to meet me at the park near our school so that I could have a run before I spoke to him to clear some thoughts.
I had been running about three laps when I saw Theo walking towards me so I stopped and waited.
“Hey sweet flower, what’s going on?” he asked kissing me on the cheek
“ let’s sit down on the bench, I need to tell you something” I said pointing to a bench nearby
“ you are serious Hun, are you ok?” he asked holding my hand and look in to my eyes.
“ Theo I have always had a dream to study in London, so a few months ago I applied for a university in London and I got accepted” I said it in all on breath and looked at his face turning serious
“London? There are many colleges in New York and in all of the USA, Why London?” he asked
“ you are right, but I love English literature and I want to study where the great English writers have come from, I want to live in a place where it’s different from the USA, I have always been fascinated by London and a few years ago I visited it with my parents and the moment I was there I knew that I wanted to study there. So when it was time to apply to colleges I chose one in London and yesterday I got my acceptance letter.”
“ I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me sooner and wait just when our relationship got closer and now you want to leave me, I just don’t get it sweet flower” he said holding my hand tightly and looking into my eyes sadly.
“ I didn’t think we would get this far, actually I would never have imagined that the hottest guy in school would even ask me out”
“Why not? You are the hottest girl and I am happy that you are with me, but now you want to leave me and break my heart just when I was ready to handed over to you.” He said touching my cheek lightly.
“I’m not breaking your heart Theo, I’m just telling you that after we graduate I’m going to London, but we can still see each other, I will come visit and you can come visit me”
“You want a long distance relationship?” asked Theo surprisingly
“We can make it work if we have strong feelings and some patience, don’t you think we could try?” I asked looking into his eyes
“Well, we can try, but it isn’t going to be easy.” He said reaching over to kiss me lightly on the lips
We hugged each other and spoke for a bit then I told him I was going to go take a shower and that we could go out that evening. He agreed and drove me home and left.
I felt better telling Theo but my stomach was in knots about Terry. She refused my calls and blocked me on Facebook. She didn’t want to talk to me.
Days went by and still Terry refused to talk to me. Our friends tried to reason with her but she blew them off and started hanging out less with them and hung out more with Louis. She was drinking more from what some friends told me and was staying more at Louis’ house. She rarely came to school and I barely saw her. Theo and I continued our relationship and it was getting stronger every day. We went out and spent every day together and when we could be alone we showed how much we felt with each other’s bodies. He was amazing , he always knew how to please me and I was learning how to please him even more. Our relationship was so perfect that at times it was scary because it felt like it was written from a book. We never fought and we enjoyed our time together. The days went by and soon it was a week before our graduations. It was the end of June and I had decided to leave July 20th so I would have plenty of time to get settle and get used to the area before my classes started the end of August. I was sad and excited at the same time.  Theo had got accepted at Pace University and would be moving to Manhattan and was happy. All our friends would be moving to different parts of New York but I was the only one leaving and moving abroad.
The day of our graduation was so sad. We all knew that this was the last day we would be high school students and then we all would go our separate ways. Tony and Sean had a big graduation party at their summer home. We all went and celebrated  even Terry was there. I was happy to see her but she kept avoiding me. I finally caught her going to the bath room and followed her in and locked the door.
“ Terry , can we please talk, I don’t want to leave with us being mad with each other.” I said
“I’m not mad, have a good life, enjoy and say hi to the Queen for me” she said sarcastically looking at herself in the mirror
“Terry I will keep in touch and you can always come visit me” I said touching her back
“Sorry I can’t I will be travelling with a back pack with Louis, we decided we are leaving next week.” She said laughing
“you are leaving too?” I asked shocked
“Yes, so have a good life Dalia!” she said walking out the door
I was so shock and couldn’t believe how Terry was acting but there was nothing I could do. She was going to travel with Louis and that made me happy knowing she wouldn’t be alone but I was sad that she threw our friendship away. I had to learn to accept that we wouldn’t be friends anymore.
The days went by and the day of me leaving had arrived. I had said my goodbyes to all my friends. Theo had decided to drive me to the airport even if I had insisted that he wouldn’t because it would be harder.
“Now don’t forget me, and in four months I will come visit” said Theo hugging me tightly
“ I can’t forget someone who is always in my heart” I cried
He hugged me tightly and whispered “ I love you”
I whispered back “ Me too”
We said our goodbye and as I went to my gate looking back one last time to wave to Theo but from the far corner I saw her, Terry, she was crying and before I could call her she turned around and ran out of the airport. I couldn’t do anything but wave and continue walking with tears rolling down my face. I cried and thought about everything and everyone I left behind. I couldn’t understand why Terry was at the airport because she had said she was going with Louis.  I was sad in leaving Theo, but we said we would call each other everyday. I was sad leaving everyone I loved, but deep down inside I couldn't wait to start the next chapter of my life.

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