Chapter 12

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The next evening we were all having dinner together. My mom had made a typical Italian dinner and I had invited Mathew and Terry invited her mom too. We all were eating and chatting and Stella was sleeping. After dinner we were sitting in the living room and relaxing when I looked at Mathew and he understood it was time to tell Terry about Louis.
“ Terry I have something to tell you about louis" he said looking at Terry
Terry sat there and looked at Mathew sadly" you know where he is?” she asked
“ he called me the other day, he's in Alaska “
“ what the fuck is he doing there?” shouted Terry
“ he said he needed to get away because he isn’t ready to settle down and be a dad, and as soon as he makes some money he will send it to you" said Mathew
Terry's face turned red and tears started flowing down her face" he left his daughter and me, how could he be so selfish “ she cried
“ Terry you are not alone, we are all here for you, look around we are here with you and we will not go away “ I said holding her hand to reassure her
“ Stella has no dad, and that makes my heart ache" she cried
“ Terry, you are strong and you can be both a mom and dad, there are many women who have done it, we are all here for you honey" said Terry's mom
“ Terry I’m here too, and I am very sorry my cousin did this too you, but dont worry I will help you as much as I can" said Mathew
Terry looked around the room" Stella is lucky to have you all, thank you all for everything you are doing for us"
It was sad that Terry was living all this because Louis was not an adult but deep down inside I felt that maybe it was for the best Louis wasn't part of their lives. He would just make them more miserable but with all of us around Terry and Stella would be ok. I didn't tell Terry how I really felt about Louis because it would make her feel worst. I just sat there and reassured her that she and Stella would be fine.
The rest of the evening passed talking and comforting Terry ,then Mathew went home because it was late and Terry's mom left too.
The next morning I got up and decided to go for a run before going to a late class. I ran for about an hour and then decided to go home when from the corner of my eye I saw Mathew talking to a blond girl. They looked like they were in a deep conversation and then all of a sudden she reached over to hug and kiss him passionately  I froze and didn’t know what to do because I didn't want him to see me so I decided to take another street home but just as I was changing streets Mathew lifted his head and he saw me. He looked straight at me and pushed the girl away and yelled my name but I ignored him and ran all the way home . I was breathing heavily when I got home and Terry was about to go to work and looked at me
“ you need to calm down there girl, you will kill yourself “ she said giggling
“ Terry! I just saw Mathew kissing a blond girl! “ I started shaking with anger and started crying
“ that jerk!” shouted Terry hugging me tightly
Just then the doorbell rang .
“ I dont want to see or talk to him,” I said running to my room slamming the door
“ I’ll take care of this jerk!” shouted Terry opening the door
“ let me talk to her, please" pleaded Mathew
“ you blew it Mathew! Get out of here!” yelled Terry at Mathew
“ Terry please, let me explain,  there is an explanation “ he pleaded
“ I bet the girl's lips just fell on yours, right?” said Terry sarcastically
“ Dalia! Please let me explain! “ shouted Mathew from the door
“ just go Mathew she doesn’t want to talk to you!” yelled Terry slamming the door
Terry then locked the door and ran into my room. She found me laying on my bed crying.
“ Dalia he left, I’m so sorry I thought he was different “ she said
“I never want another man in my life, I’m finished with men, i find all the bad ones" i cried
“ i agree, I’m with you, no more men for me either, I hate leaving you like this, but I’m late for work , later we will talk" she hugged me and left for work
I layed in bed crying and I was so heartbroken. I couldn't believe Mathew , how could he hurt me like this? He said he was different than his cousin Louis but in the end he was just as bad. Then I started thinking about that blonde girl hugging and kissing him and I started crying feeling so hurt.
Mathew had called several times and sent me messages pleading to talk to me but all I did was ignore them. I just layed in bed and cried.
I must have fell asleep because I woke up with my mom touching my shoulder
“ Dalia, Mathew is downstairs, vuole parlare con te" said my mom softly
My mom didn't know what had happened so she had let him in.
“mom, tell him to leave, I dont want to talk to him" I exclaimed
“ va bene, I will tell him to leave" said my mom leaving my room
A few ministers later I heard Mathew’s car drive away. I then got up and went downstairs and found my mom feeding Stella in the kitchen,  I walked over and kissed Stella on her head. She was so small and innocent and I wished I was small like her with no worries. My mom looked at me
“ Dalia,ha left una lettera per te, it is in the hall by the mirror “ said my mom
I walked to the hall and found a letter and a rose. I threw the rose in the  basin and took the letter to my room and sat on my bed starring at it. I didn’t know if I should read it or throw it away. I sat there for awhile and then decided to read it.  I opened it and read
‘My dearest Dalia, I’m so sorry , I never meant to hurt you. The girl you saw me with is my ex girlfriend.  She has been calling me lately and I have been refusing to talk to her but this morning I decided to meet her to hear what she has to say. We were talking and then all of a sudden she kissed me, which is the exact moment you saw. She is still in love with me and wants us to get together again, but I told her that it’s over and that my heart belongs to you. She was really upset but I think now she understands that i don't care for her and that I only want to be with you. Please give me a chance to show you that she means nothing to me. Call me if you want to meet and if I don't get your call I will understand to leave you alone, love always Mathew ‘
I sat there crying as I held the letter and confused.  I didn't know what to do or if I should believe him. I sat there think about the time we spent together and then I remembered the call he had received at the Hamptons that morning but he had told me it was nothing. Maybe he wasn't lieing and he was being honest.  I didn’t know if I should call him or forget about him.  I just sat there holding the letter with my thoughts.

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