Chapter 10

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The following days are mostly a blur to me because I was like a zombie. I walked around feeling depressed and all I did was get up and get dress and eat when they told me to otherwise I didn't . People came to pay their respects and all I did was nod and thank them . My mom cried most of the time and slept.  My aunts and uncles stayed at my home to help out and Terry never left my side. She had left Stella with Louis’s mom and she held my hand at all times. She was very close to my parents and the lost of my dad affected her too, but she tried to be strong for me.  Every morning she would come to my house and wake me up and made me shower and helped me get dressed. She even combed my hair. I didn’t cry anymore I just started in blankness.  The funeral was even worst knowing that my father was in the coffin in front of me but I stood there looking around and seeing how many people came touched my heart. After the burial we all went to my house and I was in my room with Terry.
“ Dalia,  Mathew has been coming by everyday hoping to talk to you" said Terry as she was fixing my hair
I looked at Terry and and just nodded without saying a word. Terry looked at me worriedly.
The days then became a week and then everyone had to go back to their normal routines and my mom and I were left alone at home. We just looked at each other passing the hall and we slept most of the time. Terry came by everyday taking care of us and trying to make us eat but one day she sat me and mom down in the kitchen and looked at us and said
“ you both are going to die! ,he would not want you both to give up on life. He wants you to live! Do you really think this is a life? It’s not! This is the last day I get you both out of bed and feed you! Dalia, wake up! Soon school is starting, get your ass ready! I have a child to take care of and Stella needs you both! So as of tomorrow you both will have to do without me, I will not stand by and see you both die!” she then put two dishes of food on the table and stormed out of my house slamming the door behind her
My mother and I sat there staring at the door and then we looked at each other and started laughing and crying. It was just so funny how Terry was yelling at us like two children pointing her finger at us and storming out of the house like an angry mad woman. Terry woke us up and all our emotions spilled out all together. My mother and  I spoke all night and talked about some memories and realized that my dad was in us and would never leave us. That night is a memorable night because Terry's words woke us up and we will cherish it forever.
The next day I got up without Terry and so did my mom. I decided I needed a run and went to the park. I ran for two hours without realizing it and then ran back home to find Terry sitting with my mom holding Stella. They both started at me while I ran up the stairs to shower and then get dress. When I went downstairs I found Mathew sitting with my mom instead of Terry.
“ hi" he said smiling
“ hi” I said looking into his eyes sadly
“ do you want to go for a walk?” he asked getting up
“ I just ran but if you want to ride around  I wouldn't mind" I said with a small grin
“ sure! I will drive you anywhere" he said excitedly
We walked to his car and he opened the door to let me in and then he walked around the car to get in the driver's seat like a real gentleman.  He drove away and looked at me
“ how are you?” he asked
“ I’m ok, I just feel like I was hit by a train “ I said shrugging
“ Dalia,  I have been by your house everyday”
“ I know, Terry told me, I thank you for that “
“ don’t thank me, I wanted to be there for you and I’m still here for you,I have called you so many times and I sent you text messages “ he said concerned
“ I know, but I’m not really in a talkative mood, please forgive me, I need time, I went running today for two hours and didn't even feel tired, I feel nothing right now" I said
“ I understand, but please let me be here for you" he said reaching to hold my hand
It felt warm and I didn't pull away because it gave me a reassuring sensation and it didn’t make me feel so alone. We drove for a few hours in silence just listening to music.
“ do you want to eat?” he asked me breaking the silence
“ no, I prefer going home, I’m tired" I said putting my head on the seat and closing my eyes. It felt like I had closed my eyes for an instant but instead I feel asleep. I woke up looking around and there was Mathew sitting beside me in front of my house.
“ how long have i been sleeping? “ i asked waking up and blinking my eyes
“ two hours" he smiled
“oh! And you have been sitting here watching me sleep?” I asked embarrassed
“ I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful “ he smiled caressing my cheek
“ I think I better go in, thank you" I said going out of the car
Mathew followed me to my door “ I will come by tomorrow after work" he said behind me
I turned and nodded and went inside and straight to my room.
The next day I got up early and went running and just like the day before I ran for two hours and then ran home. I found Terry in front of my door.
“ where is your mom?” she asked
“ she went with my uncle to the cemetery, I think, I was running" I said breathing heavily
“go take a shower and come to my house" she said firmly
I looked at her and wasn't in the mood to argue so I went to shower and dress and she waited patiently in the living room. 
“ ok, I’m ready" I said shrugging
“ lets go!” she shouted as she grabbed my arm and took me to her car and then drove away. When we got to her house I noticed that Mathew’s car was parked out in front.
“ Mathew is here?” I asked
“ yup, he took the day off, he was watching Stella while I came to get you" she smiled

We went in Terry's house and found Mathew sitting on the sofa holding Stella sleeping.
“ let s go put her in the crib" said Terry quietly
Mathew got up and walked to the nursery to put Stella in her crib. I sat on the sofa and started browsing a magazine on the coffee table.
“ are you ready?” said Mathew standing in front of me
I looked up from the magazine confused “ ready, for what?”
“ if i tell you , it won't be a surprise “ he said smiling reaching out his hand and pulling me up from the sofa
“ go! Go have fun you two" smiled Terry
“ I’m not really in the mood, can we just hand out here?” I said standing still
“no! Let’s go, today you follow me" said Mathew pushing me softly out the door
He made me get in his car and then he waved to Terry and got in the driver's seat and drove off.
I was a bit annoyed and looked ahead. I wasn't in the mood to go out and i was angry that Terry was in on this with Mathew to get me out of the house. I sat listening to music and looked ahead without saying a word. I looked at the streets and saw he was driving further away from the city towards long Island.
“ can i please know where you are kidnapping me to? “ i said annoyed
“ you will see, and for the record, I didn't kidnap you , I didn't tie you up and throw you in the trunk" he said laughing
It was funny but I forced myself not to laugh and kept looking ahead with my arms crossed.
I saw a sign that read Hampton and knew he was taking me by the beach. Terry and I had come her with our friends many years before. It was a sea area with many restaurants and small shops and the sea was beautiful.  I remember that summer where we had a great time and enjoyed the sun all weekend.  Terry had also met a guy that she only dated there for only two days. Just remembering that weekend made me smile.
“ do I see a smile?”asked Mathew reaching to hold my hand
I turned to look at him and just smiled without saying a word but holding his hand.
Mathew parked and we got out of the car. The sun was shining and it was hot. There were alot of people walking around with shorts and bathing ssuis and I was wearing Jean’s and a t -shirt so I felt a little overdressed.  Mathew looked at me and handed me a bag.
“ how did you get my bag?  Uhm,  Terry! She packed me a bag!” I said giggling
“ yes, took care of everything,  now let’s go to our rooms and change" he said taking his bag and then holding my hand with the other
“we have rooms?” I said surprisingly
“ yes, don’t worry, separate rooms and we are staying three days, your mom is not alone and everyone knows, so don’t worry" he smiled
I looked at him and smiled. I was a bit relieved that we had separate rooms because I still felt uncomfortable him seeing my body.
We walked to a small hotel and Mathew checked us in. We had rooms next to each other with a connecting door in between. The rooms were all white and light blue with balconies and lots of sunlight. There were flowery bedspreads and white dressers. The rooms were beautiful each with a big bathroom and a hot tub.
“ oh my! These rooms are amazing,  but they must have cost you alot" I said worriedly
“ don't worry about money, and just for the record, my company gets a discount at this hotel so don't worry. Dalia,  just seeing you smile is worth every penny.” He said hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead . We then decided to change and go out for lunch. Terry had packed my favourite bathing suit with an orchid on top and I put a snap dress on top and sandals.  Mathew knocked on our connecting door
“ are you ready Dalia? “ he asked softly
I opened the door and he was standing there with a towel in his hand wearing blue swimtrunks and a white tank top. He looked very good all muscular and smiling. The sight of him made heat rise to my face
“ uhm those red cheecks are what I love to see on you “ he said caressing my face
I looked at him shyly and smiled and reached to kiss his cheeck. He then took my hand and we walked out of the hotel . We decided to eat seafood at a restaurant overlooking the beach. It was beautiful and the food was great. We then weng around the small shops looking at small gadgets and souvenirs.  Then we decided to go for a swim. The water was a bit cold but it was refreshing.  Mathew started splashing water at me and I fought splashing back. He then took my hand and pulled me close to him holding me tightly. He caressed my back and then his hand moved further down caressing my behind. He then looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately while his hands moved around my body. He continued kissing me and his tongue moved inside my mouth. I started to feel heat rushing in my body and being In the water did not refresh it. I started touching his chest, arms and then I left his mouth and kissed his neck.
“ we will get arrested if we continue here, you are driving me crazy” he whispered as I continued to kiss and lick his neck. I didn’t want to stop my body wanted more .
“ let’s go continue in my room" I said whispering
He looked at me and took my hand and we went out of the water and on to the sand. He handed me a towel “ let’s dry off first"
“ we can dry off in the room" I said looking at him.  I couldn’t believe I said that but I was earning for him so much that I didn't want to wait.
He smiled and grabbed our things and took my hand and we walked back to the hotel quickly.  As soon as we entered my room I hugged him and kissed him firmly and my hands caressed his chest and neck. He took off his shirt and I took off my sundress which was wet from my bathing suit. He grabbed my neck and wet hair kissing me passionately. My hands moved around his wet body and his hands moved around mine. He then untied my bathing suit letting it fall on the floor. He then took my hand and took me to the bed. I layed down and he looked into my eyes and he took off his swimtrunks letting them fall on the floor. He then came on the bed next to me taking off the bottom of my bikini. He looked at me and started kissing my stomach and then moved up to my breasts kissing them and licking my nipples  he then moved to my mouth. Kissing me hungrily.  I moaned as his fingers moved along my legs moving towards my intimate part. My hands started caressing his hardness and he moaned. He then came on top and entered me with force. We were both so heated up that we both climaxed together. He then layed next to me holding me and kissing me.
“ my Dalia, my sweet Dalia “ he whispered holding me
We both feel asleep holding eachother.

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