Chapter 9

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That evening at the barbecue it took me hours to decide what to wear and in the end I wore a flowery summer dress with sandals because it was a  very hot night. Terry and Louis had invited friends and when I arrived they were all eating snacks and Louis had started the barbecue. Terry put on music and everyone sang along or danced. I helped Terry fill up the snack bowls and looked around
“ he just arrived, he's in the kitchen getting a drink" said Terry softly next to me
“ who?” I said smiling
“ oh, Dalia!” said Terry laughing
She knew me too well and she knew I was looking for Mathew.
I was getting a drink when Mathew came from behind me and  whispered “ you still owe me a coffee"
I turned around and he was standing there smiling in a light blue t-shirt and Jeans shorts and white sneakers.  I got a breeze of his cologne and he smelled so good.
I smiled “ if you want I’ll go make you one now"
“ no! I want a coffee like the one you spilled on me" he giggled
“ want to go for a walk?” he asked me suddenly
“ ok" I smiled following him out the gate of the backyard and on to the sidewalk
We walked for a few minutes side by side in silence down the road, then he broke the silence
“ Louis told me you are from California “
“ yes, I was born there but I came here when I was eight so I practically grew up here, but I have been there a few times on vacation “
“ you also just got back from London, that must have been cool" he smiled.
“ yes I did a year of college there, it was ok" I said without telling him why I had left
“ and now you are going to NYU" he said
“ yes, but i guess you know my whole life story already" i laughed
“ well, Louis filled me in" he laughed
“ no problem,  but why are you asking about me?” I said smiling shyly
“well, I will be straight out with you, the moment you walked into that kitchen you hit me, I want to know everything about you, that is if you will let me" he said stopping and looking into my eyes
“ you really are straight forward,  I am very flattered,  can we take it slowly?  We just met and I know nothing about you" I said blushing
“ I like your pink cheeks" he said caressing them lightly with his finger “ we can go as slow as you want, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon"
“ thank you” I said shyly
We then continued walking and he told me about himself.  That he had an older brother, and that his parents were both lawyers , that he studied business and he started working immediately after his degree in the company he was now and they had transferred him to NY for a promotion. He also told me he was twenty four and that he just got out of a two year relationship with a girl who had cheated on him with a friend. We walked for awhile and then headed back to the barbecue. The night turned out to be a nice night and everyone had a great time. Mathew and I were the last to leave and helped Louis and Terry clean up all laughing together.
“ I guess, I’ll get going, I have to go to the college tomorrow morning to pick up some papers" I said
“  well, I have to go too, I have an early morning too" said Mathew
We both said goodbye walking out to our cars together. He walked me to my car
“ can I see you tomorrow? “ he asked
“ well I will be in the city most of the day, i don’t know when i will finish" i responded
“ i can take you to the city and wait until you are finished,  and maybe show me around, that is if you are not with someone tomorrow “ he said timidly
“ if you don't mind waiting, no problem, I was going alone" I smiled
“ great! I will pick you up at nine , is that good?” he asked
“ yes, I will send you my address if you give me your number" I said handing him my phone
He digitted his number on my phone and handed it back to me touching my hand softly.
  “see you tomorrow “ he said bending over and kissing my cheeck delicately
I got into my car and drove away with my cheeks feeling warm. I liked him but I wasnt so sure I wanted to start another relationship. I needed time.
The next morning Mathew came to pick me up punctual at nine a.m.
I got into the car smiling “ good morning”
“ good morning beautiful “ he smiled
“ do you need me to tell you how to get there?” I asked
“ no, I know where it is, it’s actually close to where I will be working starting next week" he said
“ I see” I said surprisingly
We talked and listened to music as he drove me to The college, then he dropped me off and went to park and decided that I would call him once I was finished. 
I went to the main office and got all my papers  and then they showed me my dorm and gave me my classes. I met some students and we talked. I was at the school for a few hours and I felt bad that Mathew was waiting, but he seemed to not mind when I called him to tell him I had finished. I found him waiting at the entrance and he was smiling.
“ all finished? “ he asked
“ yes, now we can do what you want “ I smiled
“ I think lunch is needed now, don’t you agree? “ he said as we walked down the street
“ yes! I totally agree" i laughed
We went to a pizzeria nearby that made really good pizza and garlic knots. We ate and spoke about his job and also about London but I left out the terrible experience with Leo. We then walked around the city and I took him to the Empire State Building and we went all the way to the top.
“ I have been here before but never with a beautiful tour guide" he smiled and put is arm around my shoulder as we looked at the city from above. We then left the building and went walking around looking at the various shop windows.
“ it's getting late, you probably have plans for dinner, we can head back” I said looking into his eyes
“ my plans are only with you today, unless it’s you that has to be home for dinner" he smiled reaching for my hand
His hand was soft and warm and he continued to hold my hand.
“ no , I have no plans, and I’m actually having a good time with you today" I said blushing
He reached over and kissed me. His lips were sweet and soft and I didn't want him to stop, but he pulled away and looked into my eyes
“ I’m sorry but I've wanted to do this all day, I just couldn't help myself,  everytime you blush I just want to kiss you and hold you, I know you said you want to take this slow and I apologize “ he said caressing my cheek
“ don't aapologze,  I really didn't mind, I think maybe I was hoping you would kiss me" I giggled shyly
He then kissed me again and hugged me tightly and whispered “ I really like this, it feels good holding you"
We stood there at the corner of a busy street and it felt like no one was there besides us and I didn’t hear any sounds but his soft breathing as he held me. We then decided to go back to the car and leave the city and go to a quieter part  to have dinner. After dinner we walked around the park near my house and spoke some more. He always held my hand and never let it go. Then he drove me home and before leaving the car he took me into his arms a kissed me patiently.  His tongue was soft and sweet in my mouth, his hand caressed my hair and my neck and then his mouth kissed my neck . I didn't want him to stop and he knew it because he continued to kiss me and his hands continued to caress me but then he stopped suddenly and we were both breathing heavily
“ we need to stop, we have plenty of time, Dalia, you drive me crazy and stopping myself right now was the hardest thing I have ever done" he said touching my hand
“ I agree, and I really don’t do this on a first date I don’t know what got over me" I said timidly
“ I guess we are both very attracted to each other “ he said laughing
He then walked me to my door and kissed me softly “ I will call you tomorrow,  sweet dreams"
He then walked away and I went inside and closed the door behind me and went straight to my room.  I layed on my bed just thinking about my day with Mathew and his kiss and the way his hands had caressed me. I was getting excited just thinking about him, I didn't know where this would lead but I had to take it slow because I didn’t want to make another mistake in judging a guy like I had  done with Leo and Theo.  I didn’t want to get hurt again. I then fell asleep thinking about Mathew.
The next morning Terry called me" so, what happened with Mathew? “ she asked eagerly
“ it was a great day, he is a really nice guy" I smiled holding my phone
“ I know you're smiling,  you kissed, I know it!” said Terry laughing
“ oh Terry! “ I said laughing
“ he kisses good, right?” she asked laughing
“ yes! Oh my God, it got really hot at one point but luckily he stopped , who knows how far we would have gone" I said giggling
“ Dalia! You have become a wild girl!  She laughed
“you are probably right, but i need to take this slow" I said seriously
“ Dalia,  enjoy yourself and be careful,  that's the only advice i give you, and as far as Mathew,  i checked him out, hes a good guy" said Terry
“ I will see for myself, let me go shower,  I’ll see you later" I said hanging up
I had just finished taking a shower when I heard my mom yelling downstairs. Immediately  I went downstairs to see what had happened and I saw my dad on the floor and my mom over him shaking him. I ran over to them
“ what happened? “ I asked worriedly
“ he fell on the floor and he's not breathing “ cried my mom.
I then reached over for the phone on the counter and called an ambulance.  They came immediately and they tried everything to make him breathe again, but it was hopeless,  my dad had a massive heart attack and died instantly.  My mom was hysterical crying sitting on the sofa and I sat next to her crying as they took my father away . We sat there for hours not believing what had just happened.  My dad was here a few hours ago and now he was gone and I couldn’t believe it and I just sat there frozen feeling empty.

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