Chapter 4

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Settling in London was not easy but after two weeks I had everything done. I lived on campus and the university was in the centre of the city so I pretty much had everything near by. Walking distance there was the Royal Albert Hall which I had visited before and it was one of my favourite places. Nearby there were various museums like the science and British museum. There was also a park that I started running  in which I loved doing. The only problem was getting used to the rain, it seemed to rain often so I always had an umbrella with me. I had a single room so I didn’t have a roommate which was something I didn’t mind because I like some time alone. Every day on campus there were various events to get to know other students. Infact one event I attended was a party which I had  to dress as a book character. I decided to dress as my all time favourite Elizabeth Bennet  from pride and prejudice by Jane Austen. I wore a long white dress with a flowery pattern and a yellow bonnet, it was what I found at a local used clothes shop. The party was in big conference hall on campus. It was decorated with various books hanging from the ceiling and posters of books on the walls. When I arrived I went straight to the only person I knew, Anita. I had met her on the first day I arrived in London and her room was next to mine. She was from Ireland and had an Irish accent, which I loved. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes and she was short and thin. She was also an English major and she loved English classics. 
“ Elizabeth Bennet “ she laughed when I arrived in front of her
“ wow, I didn't think anyone would know who I was, and you are Juliet, where is Romeo?” I smiled
“ I’m hoping to find him tonight!” she giggled
“ hey Anita,  who's this lovely girl?” asked a boy dressed like captain hook who was behind Anita
“ Leo, this is Dalia, she is staying in the room next to mine and she's from New York" responded Anita
“ nice to meet you Leo “ I smiled
“ the pleasure is all mine" he said reaching to shake my hand
His accent wasn't English or Irish, he sounded American. He was tall with light brown hair and brown eyes and a bright smile. He was very handsome and many girls looked at him as they walked by.
“ where are you from?” I asked
“ well, I was born in Boston, but I have lived in various parts of the world , the last place I was living before coming here was Rome, my dad is in the military “ he said as he took a sip of his drink
“ so you speak Italian?” I asked
“ certo!  Anche tu lo parli?” he asked
“ Si! La Mia famiglia e Italiana," I smiled
“ Bello! Very nice, now I have someone to continue my Italian with" he laughed
“ not with me around, I speak only English “ said Anita laughing
“lets go dance girls" said Leo grabbing my hand and Anita's
We danced all night and Leo introduced me to some of his friends. There was Mark who was a local, Nicolette who was from Sicily and Victor who was from Manchester. They all were so nice and I was happy to have made some friends. Leo, Nicolette and I spoke in Italian from time to time and it made me feel at home. At the end of the evening Anita, Nicolette and I walked back to our rooms because they were all near each other. Nicolette’s room was on the second floor and Anita's and mine were on the third floor. We all said our goodbyes and went to our rooms. I was so tired and happy and just as I was going to bed Theo called me on Skype
“ Hello, my love, are you sleeping?” he asked
“ no, I actually just got back from a party and it was fun because I made some friends" I said smiling
“ I hope no boy stole your heart" he said worried
“ no! You have my heart! I miss you, and wish you were here" I said sadly
“ me too” he said sadly
We spoke for a bit , he told me about what he had been doing and about our friends. I asked about Terry but he said he hadn't seen her since I left. We then said our goodbyes and I layed on my bed and was sound asleep in minutes.
The following days I attended various meetings concerning rules and regulations and about the classes. I also hung out with Leo and his friends and Anita. They brought me around parts of the city I had never been to and the best places to eat. We all seem to get along well and I enjoyed spending time with them. Days went by and without realizing it ,a month had gone by and my classes started. Every night I spoke with Theo and my parents before going to bed. Theo had moved into his dorm and was going to parties and having fun, but he never forgot our evening  calls on Skype.
Everyday the lessons got harder and I had to study longer hours and I saw less of my friends. Anita would stop by every day for a 5 minute chat and then she would go study. I stopped by Nicolette’s room one day and Leo was there with her. They both were language majors and they both had taken up some music courses so they studied together.
“guarda chi si vede" smiled Leo kissing me on the cheek.
“ ciao Bella! Have a seat “ said Nicolette pointing to an armchair
“we are all with our heads in the books , I see" I said
“ yes, we have so much to study, and I imagine you too" said Nicolette
“ yes, it seems like I haven't been out in ages" I said with a sigh
“ well then it's  settled  tonight we all go out! No excuses! A drink for everyone!” exclaimed Leo
Leo called mark and  Victor and I went to tell Anita that we all were going for a drink that evening. I took a shower and put on a pair of ripped Jean’s and a black and red tank top with a short Jean’s jacket and white sneakers. I knocked on Anita's door and she opened the door wearing black Jeans and a white shirt and a black vest.
“ you look great,” I said
“ you too! Let’s go they are waiting for us at the front entrance" said Anita closing her door
Nicolette, Mark, Victor, and Leo were all at the front entrance when we arrived
“ finalmente!” said Leo
“ let's go" said Mark
We went to a pub nearby that had live music. We all ordered beers and snacks and enjoyed  the music.
“So Dalia, how are you handling the courses?” asked Mark
“ They are pretty tough but I'm trying my best to keep up with my studies and so far so good. What about you?” I asked Mark
“ They are good but they leave me no time to socialize “ said mark
“ I think that goes for all of us, Leo and I  are constantly with our books and we don’t talk to anyone “ said Nicolette with a shrug
“ I practically live in my room” said Victor
“ I like this song, Dalia may I have this dance?” asked Leo as he grabbed my hand
“ ok!” I laughed
Leo was a good dancer and when a slow song came on he held me tightly. I felt a bit strange being so close to him, but it felt nice.
“sei bellissima" he whispered
“ grazie" I smiled
I felt uncomfortable and all I thought about was Theo and that this didn't feel right.
“ I think it’s better we go back to our friends “ I said moving away from him
“ ok" he said
We then sat all together and talked about our classes and also about our hometowns.  We drank and laughed and danced all together. We all had a great time but then we all decided it was time to get some rest and walked back to our rooms. We said our goodbyes and want our separate ways.
As soon as I got to my room I decided to Skype Theo,  I needed to see and hear his voice, but he didn’t answer. I then tried Terry and she finally answered
“ Terry!” I shouted
“ hey, what’s going on? How's is London?” asked Terry
“ turn on the webcam, I want to see you" I said
“ it’s not working, sorry" she said softly
“ I see, well London is nice and I love my classes and I made some friends too, what are you doing? Are you making up your classes? “ I asked
“ yes, I should be done by Christmas and I will have my diploma, by the way I saw Theo last week at a party"
“ oh, he didn’t tell me, he probably forgot “I said surprisingly
“ yes, probably,  anyways I  am glad you are doing well but I have to go for now, I’m going out" said Terry
“ ok, let’s talk soon, have fun, and Terry , I miss you" I said sadly
She hung up without saying more. Terry was crying and didn’t want me to hear it. She didn’t know how to tell me what was going on in her life and didn't want me to worry about her. At that time I felt upset because she was so far and didn’t want to talk to me. I then layed in my bed and wondered why Theo hadn't told me be saw Terry, he knew I wanted to know how she was doing. It was all strange and I couldn’t do anything because I was far away. I fell asleep crying and feeling homesick.
The following days were like the previous days, studying and going to classes. I spoke to Theo less because ha always seemed to have an excuse, one day had to study or another day he had to help his parents. I felt sad because I noticed that our relationship was changing, he didn’t say the same sweet words to me as he did in the beginning.  I tried calling Terry but she never answered and that made me feel even worst.
“ what's the matter?” asked Nicolette one day as she met me in the hallway
“ nothing, I guess I’m a bit homesick “ I said sadly
“ I understand, I feel the same, but I try to think about what I’m doing here, for my future, and that makes me feel better. “ said Nicolette
“ yes, I do that too, but lately my boyfriend has been distant and my best friend won't talk to me, it’s frustrating. “ I said
“ long distant relationships are not easy and they usually don’t last, but maybe you should just be patient,  I think everything will work out,  listen, tonight I am performing in my music class, I would love for you to come" said Nicolette smiling
“ ok, I would love to come" I said
“ great, come to my room at 6p.m and we can go together, Leo will be there too" said Nicolette happily
“ok, see you later" I said walking back to my room.
I was getting ready when I heard my phone ringing it was Theo
“ hey sweetie, why aren't you skyping?” I asked
“ Dalia, I couldn't look at your face with what I have to tell you"
“ what’s going on?” I asked worriedly
“ I slept with another girl last night,  I was so lonely and it just happened,  I feel so bad but I still love you"
“ it just happened?  How does sex just happen? It's over Theo! “ I shouted
“ Dalia it was just a one time thing, I could have not told you, but I wanted to be honest, I promise it will never happen again" cried Theo
“ the fact that you told me, I really appreciate it, but I cant forgive you, I’m sorry Theo it's over, maybe it was for the best, being far is not easy and I know it.” I said sadly
“ Dalia I still love you, can we still be friends,  and keep in touch?” he was heartbroken
“ for now I need sometime” and then I hung up crying.
I layed in my bed starring at the ceiling crying, I couldn't believe that Theo and I had broken up. I was angry for him cheating but happy that he had told me. I felt numb and layed there and cried, I remembered times with Terry when she had her heartbroken and I was there to comfort her and now I had my first heartbroken and she wasn't  there to comfort me, I was alone. I had dated guys before but I never had a real relationship until I met Theo,  he was my first love.  I cried and dozed off in a deep sleep.

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