Chapter 6

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After an 8 hour flight I arrived at JFK airport and took a taxi straight to the hospital. I saw that there were several missed calls and messages asking where I was from Leo. I thought I would call him later after I knew how Terry was doing. When I arrived at the airport my parents, Terry's parents were sitting in the waiting room and immediately came over to me as soon as they saw me

" how is she?" I asked worriedly

" they are operating, she has internal bleeding and they are trying to save the baby." Cried Terry's mom

I hugged her and we all sat down waiting patiently for the doctor to come out and give us some news. While we were waiting they explained what had happened. Terry was driving to school that morning when a guy passed a red light and hit her. They also told me that the father of Terry's baby was Louis and that he had left backpacking around the world and didn't know that Terry was pregnant. Terry wanted to do everything on her own and didn't want help from anyone. She was 4 months pregnant and everything was going well until the accident.

I continued to receive calls from Leo which I didn't answer because I wasn't ready to talk to him. I needed to be here for Terry everything else wasn't important. After a few hours the doctor came out to tell us that the operation went well and the baby was doing well. They told us that she needed to rest and that it was best we went home and come back in the morning. I went home with my parents and straight to my room.

" Dalia, do you want me to make you something to eat?" asked my mom knocking on my door

" mom, I need to rest, I'm exhausted " I said softly

" ok, va bene, riposa" said my mom

I fell immediately asleep and woke at the sound of my phone ringing. It was 6 a.m. and it was Leo calling. I starred at the phone and didn't answer it. I couldn't think about him now, I was in New York and I couldn't think about London or about the kiss they had , I would deal with it later on. I got up and showered and took a taxi to the hospital to see if I could see Terry. The nurses told me only family members could enter so I lied and said I was her sister, which was basically true because we were close like sisters. When I walked in her room there were machines and her face was all bruised. She looked helpless and it made me cry.

" I'm not dead" said Terry softly

" oh Terry, you're awake" I cried and touched her face lightly " you're not dead yet, I should kill you for not talking to me" I said angrily

" you should go back to your studies " she said softly

" it's fine, I have a Christmas break, I'll go back in the new year, for now I need to make sure you won't do anything stupid" I smiled

" so, I guess you heard I will be a mother in 5 months" she said with tears

" yes, I know, the baby is fine the doctor said" I said touching her stomach lightly

" it's a girl" she smiled

"she will be beautiful but you need to tell Louis " I said

" he wants to be in touch with nature, he has no phone, I tried to get in touch with him, but nothing" she said sadly

" we will find him, once you are better" I reassured her

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