³ Matt Damon

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I WAS EATING dinner with my family, my four sisters and my mom. Our dad ran off when my youngest sister, Shirley, was born, Shirley is five now. I was basically inhaling my food, I was supposed to be at Elisia's in ten minutes and she lived twenty minutes away, I'd already texted her and said I'd be late.

"Cole, slow down, that's gross!" Katelyn yelled at me. I didn't reply to her, I just glared and picked up my plate and put it in the sink before grabbing my keys and telling my family bye. I drove as fast as I could without endangering myself. Something felt wrong, I could just feel it in my gut.

Once I made it to Elisia's it was fifteen minutes past eight. I walked up to her front door and knocked. Silence at first. I knocked a second time and heard a small "come in" so I did. I walked inside and immediately my nostrils were attacked with a metallic smell. I didn't see Elisia anywhere.

"Elisia?" I called, her house was only one story so it wasn't hard to hear her small cries. I walked slowly towards the sound of her sobs and the smell grew stronger. I turned into a pastel bedroom and saw red. There were red stains on the bedsheets and I saw Matt Damon sitting at the desk in the corner looking fine but he was deadly quiet.

"Matt?" I mumbled I touched Matt's shoulder, he then fell over, out of the chair and I saw a knife sticking out of his temple. I jumped back and backed away from the corpse. My first thought was that someone broke in, and Elisia had been here when that happened. I started to panic.

"Elisia! Elisia are you alright?!" I screamed and ran throughout the house, my gut had been right, something had been wrong. I finally found Elisia sitting with her knees against her chest sitting in the bathtub. I ran to her, she was covered in blood. She wasn't wearing pants either.

"Are you hurt? What happened?" I asked her frantically but she just buried her head in my chest and cried. I hugged her until she spoke.

"He tried to hurt me...I didn't know what to do." Elisia mumbled.

"Who? Who hurt you?" I asked her, she finally raised her head to look at me.


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