ᶠᴵⱽᴱ The Corpse

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I DROVE US to the forest in St. Bernard street. Matt was in the trunk with the kitchen knife still stuck in his head underneath the tarp we'd wrapped him in. I personally was about to have a mental breakdown but I kept myself together. I parked about two blocks away from where we were going to drop off Matt and stopped the car. I looked over at Elisia who's hair was still damp from the shower she'd been taking before we left her home.

"Are you sure about this, E? We could get in serious trouble for this." I say to her, I was hoping she'd just go to the police and be done with this but she didn't. She didn't even answer my question, she got out of the car and opened the backseat door. I sighed and got out as well. I walked over to Elisia and grapped tarp wrapped Matt and  slung him over my shoulder. Matt isn't as heavy as he looks, he was actually really light. We walked a good mile before deciding on a drop sight. I threw Matt on the ground and Elisia started to cover the corpse with leaves and dirt. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and tried to hide the stress in my eyes.

"Let's go before someone drives by and sees your car." Elisia says and I slowly followed her back to my car. I have to admit that she seemed calm, she wasn't at all freaked that she'd murdered someone. When we got to my car Elisia sat on the hood and layed back. I watched her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she smirked a little and nodded. "Why weren't your parents home?"

"I might as well not even have parents. My mom's in prison and my dad's probably at a bar seducing strangers." Elisia says, the prison thing caught me off guard. I just looked at her a while until she started to explain.

"Remember my little brother who's room Matt was in?" She began and I nodded. "Well his name was Caleb, he was a sweetheart. Probably the sweetest ten year old I'll ever have known." She was talking about her brother in past tense so I was worried about what would come next.

"My mom and my brother went to the store one day and my mom told Caleb to sit in the car while she went inside to buy some cigarettes, she turned off the car and locked the doors. Caleb was in that car for four hours, he suffocated and my mother went to jail for murdering a minor." Elisia finished and I could see the tears start to form in her eyes. I jumped onto the hood of my car and let Elisia snuggle against me and that's how we ended the night. We both fell asleep.

A Girl Named ElisiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ