ᴺᴵᴺᴱ She's Crazy

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WHENEVER I got to Casey's house cars were already lined up and down the sidewalk and music blared from the house. I'd never been to a party, I've never been invited to a party. I took a deep breath and parked on the side of the road behind a green Mustang. Elisia and I got out of my car, Elisia was still smiling.

"Are you sure we should be here? I thought you and Casey were in an argument." I say and Elisia shakes her head.

"No, we had a disagreement, disagreements aren't important enough to cause a fight." Elisia says and I scrunch my eyebrows. Elisia grabbed my hand and trudged inside. The entire downstairs area was trashed and crowded by dancing, underage drunks. Elisia doesn't let go of my hand until we enter the kitchen, which just so happened to be where Casey was.

"Elisia! You came!" The level of excitement in her voice sounded almost sarcastic but Elisia didn't notice. "And you brought the new boy." Casey looked me up and down.

"I'm not new." I mumbled but she turned her attention back to Elisia.

"Drinks?" Casey asks and Elisia nods.

"New boy, would you be a doll and help a girl out?" Casey says and I follow her to another room. I wasn't sure where we were going but I knew we weren't going to get drinks. Casey led me to the emptiest corner of the family room.

"Are you and Elisia, like, an item?" Casey asks me and i'm confused at first.

"What? No, no, we're friends." I almost stuttered awkwardly but I played it off.

"Good, because she's a crazy bitch." Casey says and starts walking back towards her dining room. I followed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, almost too eagerly.

"I mean if you upset her, she flips out. She punched my friend, Cami, in the throat after she told someone about Elisia's family drama." Casey grabs two red cups from the cabinet and pours wine into them. "Take my advice and don't piss her off."

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