ˢᴵˣ Soccer

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MY MOM called me at two in the morning frantically yelling and asking where I was. If it hadn't of been for that phone call I might've slept all night on top of my car with Elisia beside me. Elisia woke up while I was explaining to my mom that I was okay. Once I ended the call we decided that we should go home. I drove Elisia to her house then drove to mine, my mom was waiting impatiently on the porch. When I pulled up she immediately ran to me and started asking where I'd been and what happened.

"I accidentally fell asleep at my friends house, I'm sorry mom." I said then walked past her and walked inside. My house was mostly normal other than the fact that there wasn't a single picture of me and Katelyn before we were seven. Katelyn and I are the same age but we aren't twins, Katelyn was born exactly nine months after me. I know...weird. It's hard to explain. Anyways, I went into the kitchen to get a snack and my 12 year old sister, Harley, was sitting there eating ice cream.

"Why are you awake?" I asked her.

"I can't sleep, I'm too nervous." Harley replies and honestly I didn't know what she should be nervous about, I'd forgotten all about her soccer tournament until she said: "You're coming to the tournament right?"

"Of course I am. I would never miss your first game. " I replied and the corners of her mouth tugged into a smile.

"Good." Harley says and stands up to head back to her room.


The next day was a Saturday but I still had to get up at my normal school time for the tournament. I couldn't get Matt Damon out of my head while I took a shower and ate breakfast. What would happen to Elisia and I if they found his body? Would I be arrested for helping hide a body even if I didn't kill him? Everytime I thought of being arrested I forced the thought that it was self defense into my head.

At the soccer field I didn't pay very much attention to the game, in fact I was distracted by a text message I'd received from my best friend from my old school, three years ago. His name is Patrick Green, I always called him Skip because he always used to skip gym class and hide in the bathroom. Skip texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out later today, I said yes. Truthfully I missed Skip, he understood me. Then, I was hit in the head with a soccer ball that was flying towards me at ten miles per hour.

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