Chapter 1

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📯Well here we go again. This second book is a lot longer than the first. I'm not even done writing yet, but I have an idea about what's going to happen. Please vote so others can see Ive began the second one!📯


Lilly's POV.

The multicolored lights flash through my closed eyes.

I hear sounds of struggle.

The ringing in my ears overtakes me, making me ridiculously nauseous.

The crowd riots as my feet are drug behind me.

My limpness allows me to fall into a disturbed sleep.

Unbelievably, of course, considering I am completely shocked and terrified.

I arise in the back of an old pick up truck, speeding unbelievably fast.

I hear the low hum of a man singing at the wheel, to the radio.

I get another soft rag to the face and pass out, the dim headlights against the black night the last thing I see once again.


I am curled up in soft cotton blankets, in my ripped dress from the night before.

My hair is ridiculously frizzy and wild, and I am completely paralyzed and numb.

I lay on my side, so I only have view to the right side of the dilapidated room.

The wall panels are made from thick dark wood, lined with several old bookcases.

The massive bed I lay on has a small night stand next to it, supporting a creepy old lamp.

Slowly beginning to regain feeling of my fingers, I move them jerkingly.

I begin hearing subtle, rhythmic creaks behind me.

Soon, I notice they're the sounds of a rocking chair.

I freeze in the moment, totally petrified with realization.

"Darling, you have to move around or else you will freeze up completely." Bray chides.

I begin moving my arms again.

Sensation pulses up them and radiates through my torso, subtly reaching my face.

I jig my jaw and clench my cheeks while slowly curving awake my legs and abdomen.

Bray leans onto the bed and helps me sit up.

I sit Indian-style and stare down at my feet, curled together inside of the blankets.

"Why? Why would you take me away?" I croak, not willing to look at him yet.

"Because you weren't mine, little lamb." He responds gently.

"But I was somebody else's." I dryly say, slow-like.

He responds with silence, and I feel his dark eyes stare at my covered feet with me.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Currently, in my room. We are at our old house, though." He explains, glad to have a question he could easily answer.

"Where's Dean?" I interrogate.

"When Luke grabbed you, he was out cold inside the ring. This is what made it so easy for me to come with you. It was quite a commotion, the entire crowd rioted, security, even your little friends came out."

"Because you fucking drugged me and drove me half way across the fucking country." I snap.

"I'm sorry. I was afraid I was going to lose you so I had to run." He admits.

"Well Dean was too! I love Dean, he was my first choice! I never wanted this!" I yell, kicking and punching him away to the best of my ability.

He barely moves though, and just waits until I am done with him.

I kick him one last time in the eye and he flinches slightly.

I roll my knees up and cry into them.

He rubs my back slightly and I yell at him to stop inbetween sobs.

"Stop! Don't touch me, you fucking monster!" I scream through the thin walls.

"Calm down little one, calm down." He shushes me.

"No! I won't! I won't stop fighting until I get Dean back!" I yell through sniffles.

I lift my head off my knees and wipe off the tears.

"Please. Please just send me back to him." I hiccup.

He wipes the rest of my tears off my face with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry, darling." He apologizes quietly.

He puts his hands on each side of my face and slowly leans down to kiss me.

I sadly accept it, hoping that staying with this lunatic will keep Dean and the rest of them safe.

Soon, I break away and the hurt in his eyes is extremely apparent.

I can't care less.

There is a cruelty inside me that has never stung as much as right now.

I look down at my feet once again and flinch my toes.

I slide my legs to the side, an affective force to propel me off of the bed.

I place my feet on the cold, wooden planks and shift my weight to them.

"Lilly-" Bray begins.

"No. Just. Can I go home?" I ask, circling around the bed.

"No." He answers.

"Why the hell not?" I criticize.

"Because this is where you belong-" he starts.

"In your bedroom?" I cut him off.

"In my world. You and I can rule this. We could elasticate to the rest of the it, little lamb. Every king needs a queen. It time that you learn to not be afraid of anyone or anything. Not even yourself." He preaches with articulate distention.

"I'm not fucking afraid." I mumble.

"But your cautious, at least. Very cautious. And to get over this cautiousness, you need me. I must coach you through the resistance to fear. Because, Darlin, we are fear. We are the things that go bump in the night; the creatures that live in your head. You must realize that, doll." He explains, matter of faculty.

"How many fucking names do you have for me?" I spit out.

"As many as you'd like." He grins.

"Well I'd like zero. Call me fucking Lilly. Lilly is my name, you can't give me any title other than that." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, dove." He taunts.

"Fuck you." I mumble, stepping to the door.

"It's locked. You can't get out without me. You can leave here, but I must escort you." He motions at the door.

I know he meant so much more than just this little occurrence but I despise thinking about it.

He rises from the bed, towering over me.

He digs a keychain out of his pocket and jiggles at the door until it opens.

It swings and opens with a thud.

"Run free, little one." He whispers as he kisses my head.

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