Chapter 40

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🍍Last one. Next book will be out once I get ten chapters on it. I'm currently starting seven. I'll add a chapter on this when it comes out.🍍

Holy shit

Holy shit

This was happening

Holy shit

Holy shit

Oh my lord.

He awkwardly pulls the ring out of his back pocket.

I clasp my hands over my face.

I'm grinning too hard.

"Lilly Lenton, would you make me the happiest man in the world... Will you marry me?" He asks.

I feel myself tear up from happiness.

I nod vigurously, words not fitting the mood.

He grins and stands up, trapping me tightly in a hug.

"Yes Dean. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." I whisper into his chest.

He slips the ring into my pocket and holds me tighter, nesting his head in the top of my hair.

"Oh my god I love you so much. So so much." I whisper.

"I love you so so much more." He whispers and I laugh.

"Guys-" I hear Roman warn suddenly.

"Shut up." Seth shushes quickly.

"Holy shit-" I hear Seth scream.

I back away from Dean quickly.

Suddenly, a massive force knocks him on top of me, quickly scattering off.

"What the fuck! She's-" he yells as he turns around.

There I see Bray and his two men.

I crawl back into the corner.

"Please god no." I whisper.

Seth and Roman team up on Luke and they dissapear behind the wall.

Dean fights Bray violently and I see Erick come closer to me.

"Erick-please-no-you know I'm better here please-" I beg but he continues to stroll over.

He suddenly runs to me and picks me up easily.

"No! Stop! Stop!" I kick and punch him.

I kick him in the no no spot and he drops me.

I sadly land on my back and groan in pain.

Seth and Roman return from Luke, beaten and tired.

Roman rushes over to me.

"Get her out of here!" Dean yells.

Bray gets him to the ground and slams his head into the cement several times.

I shift up and fight out of Romans grasp.
"She's mine! Stay away from her! It's not her time!" Bray howls in his face.

I scatter over and protect Deans head in my arms.

He is nearly out and I kick Bray in the eye.

"Move, darling." He huffs angrily.

"No! Stop! Jesus fucking Christ Bray! I hate you! I don't want to be with you! I'm not your darlin or dove. I'm not yours at all! I never wanted to be! Leave us alone!" I yell in his face and he slowly backs off of Deans body.

This monster could feel hurt and I was causing it.

It felt wonderful.

I grasp Deans hand and slowly look over his head.

He was already out now.

I listen to his heart and it is fast and faint.

"God no. Please. Dean. Wake up." I beg.

"Seth, Roman call 911 do something." I beg.

I grasp onto the news stand to lower myself next to him, feeling his pulse and breathing at the same time.

Everything is weak. Not normal in the least.

"Dean-please-" I whisper, begining to cry.

I hear a roar and the next second the news machine is on top of us.

It takes part of us.

I know exactly what it takes.

Even before anyone can tell me.

Not our lives but one.

One life that was ours to begin with.

She's mine.
Stay away from her.
It's not her time.
Because I'm the one that haunts your dreams at night
Until you're satisfied.

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