Chapter 23

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🍍Fuck I'm a screw up😂🍍

Dean's POV

Seth and Roman drop their candy bags.

They launch themselves at me, hugging me and hooting happily.

Seth squeezes me tight in a hug and Roman wraps his hands around my stomach and lifts me up.

They punch me playfully while laughing.

"Dude! That's fucking awesome!" Seth tells me.

"I know." I grin.

Roman just keeps laughing joyfully.

"You little fucking player!" Seth yells, laughing.

We keep hugging and laughing until we eventually decide to go back to the hotel.

We arrive in the air conditioned room and Roman is quick to turn off the lights.

"Wait. I need to make a phone call." I tell him.

"Quick." He insists, rubbing his eyes.

I pull out my phone and call Stephanie.

"Hey Stephanie." I greet her.

"Hey, whatcha need?" She asks; high pitched as usual.

"If you can get extra wrestlers out here, it'd be nice." I tell her.

"For what?"

"I just.. I'm nervous that they'll out number us.. Or we will lose the fight." I explain.

"That's easy. I'll get some wrestlers out there by tommorow morning. What hotel are you staying at?" She asks.

"De leas bee Toris." I tell her slowly, trying to pronounce the name.

"Yep okay. They'll be there tommorow morning." She concludes.

"Thank you Steph, have a great night." I tell her, hanging up.

"Okay lights out." I tell Roman, and he flicks the lights and hops in bed.

They both relax and sigh simultaneously, while I lay stiffly.

I stare at the ceiling until I finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up early.

The sun is just peaking and I quickly run into the shower.

The warm water runs down my body quickly and I shake my hair.

I shake my hair so wildly to try and shake away my nightmarish thoughts.

Suddenly, a knock on the door echos through the shower doors and I yank the curtain shut.

"Come in." I yell.

"Damn. You grabbed the shower before I could." Seth groaned, walking in and quickly going to the sink.

He brushes his teeth noisily.

"Early bird gets the worm.. And Apparently the highly kidnappable girl." I quietly mutter.

"And apparently the highly fuckable one." He adds, making me grin from behind the curtain.

"Damn man. I still can't believe you scored like that." He continues.

"Me either. She's absolutely perfect." I think, admiring my beautiful little creature inside my head.

"Indeed." Seth slyly agrees.

Soon he is done with brushing his teeth and walks out of the bathroom.

The water is completely steamy, yet I am freezing.

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