Chapter 21

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🍍FT and scrabble with Elaina makes me happy. This shit is impactful btw😌🍍

Dean's POV

"Did you leave me here alone?" I ask them.

He was with me.

"Man.." Seth begins.

"Did. You. Leave me here alone." I demand.

"Only for short periods of time to run arrands and wwe and stuff." He tells me.

I could've killed him.

I could've saved her.

I throw my phone at him.

He catches it easily and looks at the picture.

"Yo! What the fuck?" He shows Roman.

"How the hell did he get in here?" Roman asks.

"I don't fucking know! Let's go." I tell them, walking out of the room.

We hurry to the main desk and check out.

I literally run to the car, ignoring the pain.

"Did Bray come to the show?" I ask.

"Yeah. It was just him, though. When they asked where Lilly was he just replied 'own old memory lane.'" Roman answered me.

"Goddamn it. God fucking damn it." I yell.


My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Do you know where she is? I think Bray is messing her up." Stephanie asks me gently.

"I have fucking ideas but I don't know a specific location. We are getting out of the hospital now and we are going to head to New Orleans as soon as possible." I tell her.

"I'll book you airplane tickets for the soonest plane just get there now." She demands.

"Alright." I agree as Seth drives down the road to the close airport.

"Do you need anything else?" She asks.

"I think we are fine, we need a rental car there, though." I tell her.

"That's fine they'll meet you at the gates. Dean, I hope you find her. Remember to tell her you love her, okay?" She concludes.

"Alright." I tell her, spotting the ridiculously close gates.

She hangs up and we drive around in the parking lot.

I assist in carrying our bags; and run to the doors.

We quickly rush to the main desk and we only have 15 minutes before the next flight.

We go to the waiting deck, being everything is done by the time we arrive.

I shake violently in the leather chair.

What if she is dead?

"Calm down man. Let me get you a drink." Seth tells me.

"O-okay." I shake.

He runs to the counter and grabs a glass of beer.

He hands it to me and I drink from it slowly, begining to relax.

The tension in my muscles fades away and I lean back.

Soon they announce our plane and I walk to it.

"Sir? Are you intoxicated?" The woman asks me.

"Yes. I am within legal limit, though." I tell her.

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