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Date (re)published: November 10th, 2020

— Sunday - The Burrow - 7:20am —

It had been almost two months since Harry had started sharing the Room of Requirements with Malfoy as friends. They had spoken to each other about the situation for quite a bit, and both boys had decided that it was perfectly appropriate to call a truce. They were fifteen for crying out loud! The last two almost complete months had been some of the best days of Harry's life. He had a friend that wouldn't judge him, and a friend who understood what he was going through.

But he knew there was something different about his friendship with Malfoy than his friendship with Ron and Hermione. Ron wasn't sensitive, and Hermione, though she could be quite emotional, wasn't always the best to talk to unless you wanted everyone inside the bloody castle to know about it. That girl didn't know how to whisper! But Malfoy did.

And the best, but probably most difficult part of their relationship was the fact that they pretended nothing had changed outside of class. They would hex one another like it was nobody's business. But that didn't matter, because they apologized as soon as they got to the room.

There was still something wrong about it all though. Harry knew his friends were his favorite people in the whole world, but he didn't get butterflies when Hermione walked into a room. Malfoy could walk in with the worst attitude and the ugliest expression on his face and Harry would still have a fucking butterfly sanctuary in his stomach. What was wrong with him?

Harry rolled out of bed, where he'd been sitting for the last ten minutes or so, just thinking about what was going on in his messed up mind. It was Christmas, and the sun was shining on that white snow, making it iridescent and glimmer. Though it was early, Harry felt well rested. Christmas Eve had been a hassle, and he was glad the rush was over. But with it went his holiday.

School was to start back up on the following Monday, giving him a week to spend with the majority of the Weasleys. The older Weasley's were leaving over the week, Bill leaving the following day, Percy leaving Tuesday, and Charlie leaving Thursday. It was going to an exceptionally busy week, and Harry was a bit nervous to see what drama would unfold. But for now, snow.

He trudged down the stairs to find the, as Mr. Weasley liked to call them, early-birds, awake. Ginny was sitting in a chair next to the sofa with a mug of what seemed to be hot chocolate; her hair, wild and untamed, was a flaming red that stood out against her pale green nightgown. She was talking animatedly toward George, while Fred stared blankly out the window. Harry knew the three were morning people, as the twins were always fully charged and ready to take on the day. Ginny was just amazing. She was able to do whatever she saw fit without hesitation, and if waking up early was what she wanted, you could bet your last sickle that she would do it expertly. She truly was incredible. For a moment, Harry forgot that she was no longer his.

He awkwardly stalked over to grab one of the mugs that he supposed had been sitting on the counter all along. He inhaled a sweet, rich scent; hot chocolate. There was a self-warming charm on the mugs, and he was momentarily overcome with gratitude toward Dumbledore for introducing him to the Wizarding World, for without him, Harry would never have discovered the lovely self-warming charm. Ginny stopped her talking, and scratched her head in what looked to be confusion.

"Why are you up?" She hesitated before speaking to him, and the fence of awkwardness between them that Harry had tried so hard to break down rebuilt itself.

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