#28 - Unfortunate Timing

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Chapter 28 - Unfortunate Timing
published: Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Piper leaned against the door of the couch, her eyes closed as she took in everything that had just happened.

"You okay?"

It was Leo. He sat down on the floor next to her, wrapping an arm across her shoulders. Piper leaned into his warmth.

"I'm not the one who fell a thousand feet," Piper murmured. The shock was fading, but they were coming to their senses and realising that they'd almost lost Hazel.

Piper was still trembling from the experience. Hazel has almost died and she had froze.

Leo gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for slapping you."

Piper returned a weak smile. "I froze. It's a good thing you did." She sat up straighter. "Leo, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

He glanced at her, waiting.

"I meant to do it with Jason here," Piper said slowly. "But I figured why not now?"

Leo paused. "Are you breaking up with me?"

Piper couldn't help the snort that escaped her. "All right, I regret even thinking about it—" She made to get up from the floor.

Leo pulled her down with a laugh. "Okay, fine, fine. I'll listen. Properly," he promised.

Piper grinned. "Jason and I were talking, and we decided that we want you to be Jasper's godfather."

Leo's expression shifted from astonishment, to excitement, to sudden alarm.

Piper studied his face in worry. "What's wrong?"

He fiddled with his hands. "You-you really want to trust the mechanic with the baby?"

Piper rolled her eyes. "Leo."

"I just," he paused. "I'm not the best with humans — don't even get me started on kids."

"You're my best friend," Piper pointed out. "Doesn't that count for something?"

Leo shrugged. "Eh, you just have poor judgement."

Piper elbowed him in the side. She recognised his use of jokes to hide his true feelings.

"You really want me to be the godfather?" Leo turned to her, his eyes shining with so much hope Piper wanted to attack him with a thousand hugs and protect him forever.

"Of course!" Piper laughed. "Leo, there's no one else I would trust with my son more than you. You're going to be fun Uncle Leo — and well, if we need someone responsible to raise him—" She shrugged. "Well, that's what Calypso's for."

Piper wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, Leo laughing into her shoulder.

"I love you, Leo," Piper whispered.

"Love you too, Pipes." 

Footsteps vibrated the deck as Hazel stepped up, changed into a new shirt and jeans, with a towel draped across her shoulders to prevent her wet hair from soaking her top.

"How are you feeling?" Frank asked immediately, scrambling to his feet.

Hazel shrugged. "Better. Not so cold." She eyed them warily. "What about you guys? You look a little shaken."

"We thought we'd lost you," Jason said hollowly. "I think we're allowed to be a little freaked out."

"Except you didn't lose me," Hazel reminded them. "You saved my life, now, let's go save the world." She waited expectantly.

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