Chapter - 11

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Today was the day of battle. I wasn't nervous so much as excited. I knew no one from our side was going to die. I had seen a vision in which all of us were celebrating and there wasn't a single person missing. I had even seen the Mikaelsons in the back.

But honestly, why were they always in the back? Coming in the front wouldn't kill them. Only a white oak stake would. Not like it was any of my business.

But over the past few days, I had started to feel a weird connection of sorts of to the Mikaelsons. Telling me to go there and acquaint myself with them.

But I had more pressing matters to deal with then go over and acquaint myself with the 

Mikaelsons. Rafael's poisoning had taken a toll on him and while he shouldn't be participating in the battle he was going to fight. Now along with my life to keep intact I had to keep his intact as well. And it wasn't like he was going to be a bit cautious. Hell no. He was going to try one hundred and eighty percent to get himself killed.

And yes. Visions change rarely, but they can change. And my luck seemed horrible. While most seers didn't ever see a vision and see a different reality, it happened quite often to me. My luck.I was at the meeting room waiting for Alejandro and Xavier. I was with Rafael. A few minutes later, Alejandro and Xavier arrived.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence Xavi and Ali." Rafael said while bowing."You're welcome." They said while returning the bow.

I had had enough of their antics. They actually enjoyed bowing a whole lot. They said it was a private joke. I decided to cut in when Rafael was making his third bow while saying "My pleasure."

"Enough bowing! The plan is simple. Go in and kill. Got it?"

"What if there's a trap?" Xavier asked.

"Why do you think I go in alone before they start killing everyone? Or attempt to." I added the last bit as an afterthought

I nodded. By traps I meant hidden weapons that could fly out of anywhere at any time to try to kill me in any way. Or telepaths. I had mental shields but not everyone had them too. Or random plants with thorns which could rap around any body part and cause extreme blood loss. Or random long plants which could suffocate a person therefore killing them. Or necromancers who could revive their dead or ...anything. Since I was capable to take on near to anything, I would go first. But of course no one but Rafael knows this.I could tell by the look on Alejandro's face that he would rather I didn't go but I knew that he knew that there was no point in stopping me so he just nodded and wished me luck.I nodded back and then all of us got out of the room and into the cars. While we where going the only thing I could think of was 'They shouldn't know.'    


After an hour of piling into cars, switching cars and enduring Rafael's horrible voice as he sang along with Justin Bieber not giving me a chance to tell him to be careful, we finally arrived. I had already told the people what the clearing was like. It was your average clearing with a few trees with a lot of leaves which could provide coverage.

The idea was the same as that of the previous war. Stick together in pairs of two and take out as many creatures as possible. For these types of battles, the only plan you could have was kill, kill, kill, kill and then kill some more.

I would be with Rafael and I wasn't sure who Alejandro and Xavier would pair with but they had a lot of skilled fighters to pair with. Rafael was rechecking his weapons and I decided that now was the time to tell him.


"Yes?"You got poisoned a few days ago. Take it easy." I told him.

He clapped his hands on my shoulders, smiled and said "Chill. I'll be fine." Then he hugged me.

I pushed him away after three seconds and made a look of disgust on my face. "When the hell was the last time you took a shower?"

He rolled his eyes and went off to the few naturalists who were calling him.

I rolled my eyes and went to the warriors and elementals to give them a few tips on how to survive as well as kill since most of them were new.


This was it. I stood in front of the area from where they would arrive. I was armed. Bow, arrows, sword, wolfsbane tainted knives and of course, stakes. They would be here in a few seconds and a guy would ask me if I was the tribrid. Obviously, I would say no. Then he would tell me -

And here they are. With the man, I had seen in Donaccha O'dwer's dying memories. And now-

"So you are the tribrid." He said in a soft voice. Not unlike that of snakes. 

"A tribrid does not exist. And are a snake of sorts? You're voice certainly sounds like that of one." I replied in the cockiest voice I could manage.

"Liar!" he screamed.

"Mr. Whoever - the - hell - you - are, I am an Elemental and a healer. Nothing more, nothing less." I gave a smirk on the outside and a salute on the inside for managing to find out my carefully guarded secret.

"Then how do you control your weapons to such extent? Your garden plants grow lively and your mother's dogs love you more than they love her! How do you explain yourself? Huh?!" he screamed in a rage now.

"I practice and therefore I control my weapons very well. And dogs choose who they believe is trustworthy and love them more than others."

He raised his hand up and from somewhere behind him, a knife was thrown at my heart. I flicked my sword in the air and deflected the knife with a smirk and then began my countdown.

'Three - Two - ONE!'

And then it was chaos. A set of arrows were released from both sides. They cut right through each other. A sign of skilled warriors.

 Then the real battle began.

People from both signs sprung at each other. Five arrows were released from both sides. A traditional way of commencing battle before people jumped out from both sides and started trying to kill each other. 

I was immediately attacked by five killing spells which I blocked and reciprocated with suffocation spells. Then some witch jumped at me with a sword aiming at my stomach. I spun to my left and kicked her right where the bones connect the neck and head. That would either break her neck and leave her in immense pain or kill her.

All around me there was chaos and blood. Heads were being chopped off and hearts were being ripped out. I shot an arrow at the enemy just before a vampire jumped on me, knocking me to the ground. 

For the first time since the battle started, I felt fear. 

Was I going to die today?

I tried casting a spell to burn him but it didn't work. He laughed like a maniac and started to say something before which his heart was torn out from behind. He fell to the ground and in his place stood with his arms covered in blood and the dead vampire's heart in his hand,

Niklaus Mikaelson.


OMG!!! Thank you so much for 100 reads!!! But please vote and comment and tell me how the story was.

Sorry for late chapters.

Happy reading! ❤️

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