Chapter - 12

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Niklaus Mikaelson just saved my life.

I saw some witches having trouble a small distance behind said Mikaelson so I just gave him a nod (which he returned) and a 'Thank you' and went to burn the witches.

I burned one witch, suffocated another and drained all the water from another. But then I realised that I should be looking for the person who had called me a tribrid and kill him first. I went on hacking witches, staking vampires and burning werewolves. For some reason no spells worked on the vampires so I had to stake them rather than burning them. This made my work a bit harder but, it was possible.

Except for the fact that even my healing spells weren't working so I was wounded and losing blood fast. There was a gash on my forehead, a shallow cut on my cheek, a deep cut on my left forearm and the old scar on my back had reopened. I was losing blood fast but there wasn't anything I could do.

I stumbled past the last few people fighting in the front at the edge of the clearing and saw the man I was looking for standing there with his hands behind his back. He was... waiting for me. He looked uninjured and his clothes were clean which meant that he hadn't fought in the battle. Coward.

Letting his people fight for him and instead of doing it himself.

"Ilaria Mikaelson..." he started.


But I decided to play along and act like I was Ilaria Mikaelson. I could ask the Mikaelsons if she was related to them later.

"That," I replied "Would be me."

He laughed. "Do not act. You do not know your true origin. But, you are Ilaria Mikaelson. The original Tribrid."

I felt nervous. Who was this person? How did he know, that I am a Tribrid?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Adolphus. I was born in Rome, in 1778. I was a soldier in a war. I was almost dead once, when an enemy soldier took me with him and turned me into a vampire. I served as a soldier again in the battles for teritory of the person who turned me. He died and then I was free from the sire bond.

I did to many others what the man had done to me. Turned them and made them my soldiers. Only one survived. You killed him now."

I raised my eyebrows and said "Interesting history. What do you want from me?"

He smiled so cruelly I wondered if he was even a bit human or not. "You ask the most relevant question second. I want you by my side. I will make you my queen. You and I together will be stronger than anyone. You will rule the world with me. A King and a Queen."I blinked once. Twice. A third time.

"Two things. The first. Assuming that I am Ilaria Mikaelson, what makes you think that I'll turn my back to my family without knowing them?" I paused. "And second, what if I decide to not be a part of this fancy plan of yours?"

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