Alara Jameson

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Alara Jameson was the youngest of eight children and the only girl. She couldn't say she had ever really lived yet, between her parents and her brothers she had barely left the walls of their home. Her dad was one of three leaders of North America. In addition to this, she was one of the rarest kind in their world. An unmated female Omega.

Maverick Jameson, her dad, was the Alpha over the United States. All of his sons helped him split the states, nothing was missed under their rule. Her mother was one of 7 and the daughter of the Alpha of Turkey. Her mother came from a very well respected Turkish line, and her uncles and cousins had run the family well, making good connections.

Her parents had met at the Leader's Ball that was held every year. While Turkey was under the power of the European Alpha, one of the most feared Alphas in history, they held their own. Her dad used the same tactic after seeing how well it worked for her grandparents, each state had an Alpha that answered to him and his sons. Her parents had smelled each other across the room her mothers first Ball and lived happily ever after. She was supposed to go to the ball since it was being held by Turkey this year and she was now of age.

She knew her family was reluctant to let her go so far from home, but her grandmother had somehow talked her parents into letting her come and finish her schooling there in the special Omega school that had been founded in Europe. She was to leave in the morning from their New York home, a converted warehouse. Each of her brothers had a level while she shared the penthouse with her parents.

She was done packing and sat at her window seat looking over New York and wondering if she would ever be back

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She was done packing and sat at her window seat looking over New York and wondering if she would ever be back. She knew the chances were unlikely, she had met most of the Alphas of North America and there was nothing. That's how things went in this world, while Betas and Alphas could mate each other, an Omega could only have an Alpha mate, and a strong one at that.

She would be going to school outside of her home for once and couldn't wait. Her parent had set up for her to have mated female private tutors her entire life. At 17 she couldn't say she had been outside more than a dozen times, the meetings she was allowed to sit in on were in her dads office, so she would know how to help her future mate. She knew she shouldn't complain, she was given all the best life could offer and her family's only fault was they were too protective of her. But watching her brothers and their mates get to leave, grow, and have families while she stayed inside had become depressing.

She spent her days inside learning all she could about pack politics and hosting parties. She knew how important an Omega was to a pack. Without an Omega there was always the fear that the most powerful Alphas would be overwhelmed and turn rogue. Also, only Omega females could produce Omega females. In fact, it was a 20 to 1 ratio of men to women.

If her family hadn't been so powerful she would have been pulled from them at birth when they found her Omega marking and taken to an Omega safe home where she would be until they found her mate or she died. When her heat started she wouldn't care who satisfied her, she couldn't get pregnant from anyone but her mate, but it was usually felt by their mate and drove them to madness. They were locked up tight during their heat and kept safe. Not even male family members were allowed near.

One of the only things she asked her parents for was language lessons. She wanted to be able to know what her mate was saying no matter where they were from. At 17 she could fluently speak around 10 languages, she was passive in a few more. She was glad Turkish and Arabic had been some of the first few she had learned. Her mom had taught them to her as she was growing up. Her brothers could speak Arabic when they wanted, though she was the only one that looked like their mother, especially in size.

 Her brothers could speak Arabic when they wanted, though she was the only one that looked like their mother, especially in size

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She was 5' 1" with hair down to her waist. It gave her wolf a fuzzy coat, but she loved how in touch with her wolf it made her feel. She didn't wear makeup, she had her mother's skin and dark features so she didn't see the need.

She looked over when she heard knocking on her door. "Who is it?" She asked in Arabic trying to get into the habit. She would switch to Turkish when she was with mom. The door opened and it was her massive oldest brother. At 6' 3" and an Alpha, he was intimidating if he didn't give you pony rides as a baby she imagined.

"Practicing?" He asked in English

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"Practicing?" He asked in English. She smiled and rolled her eyes at his answer. "What can I do for you, Aaren?" She asked in a tone only little sisters can. He shrugged and sat on her bed. "What? I can visit my favorite sister?" He asked innocently. She snorted, not very ladylike, but it got her point across. "3...2...1." Was all she said. The knock on the door came right on cue. "Come on in, Brooks." She called out knowing her next oldest would be at the door.

He, unlike their brother, didn't act like he didn't know what was going on

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He, unlike their brother, didn't act like he didn't know what was going on. "Hi, Princess." He said kissing her head and sitting on one of the chairs in her room. "All of you tonight?" She asked. Brooks shook his head. "Hunter is still tying up ends in California, so we're Skyping him." He said playing on his phone. She laughed and stood up walking to the door.

"Come on in, guys!" She said just above a normal tone so the low floors could hear her. Within moments she had six hulk like men in her room making the suite feel small. One of the twins had his crying newborn son with him, who she grabbed immediately. "Hello, handsome. What is mommy thinking letting him take you alone, huh?" She said making a calming motion and soothing noise out of instinct. She might have gone a little overboard when she saw her brothers yawning.

"How is Sarah?" She asked about her newest nephew's mother. Her brother had a besotted grin. "She's amazing. I'm trying to let her sleep before he has to eat again. Thanks for working your magic." He said quietly.

She took her seat on the window bench with her nephew splayed on her chest. "So, what did you guys want to talk about?" She asked quietly, keeping her voice down for the baby. Their uncomfortable looks and slight blushes would have had her running had it not been for the baby on her.

"Well, we wanted to talk to you about mating." Aaren started. This was going to be Hell.

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