Now He's Got The Scent

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She touched down at a private airstrip in Istanbul. The jet lag was killer, her internal clock said 10pm and her phone said 5am. She hoped her grandparents had a bed she could crash on for a few hours before she met anyone. She said her goodbyes and went down the step and saw her grandparents waiting for her.

They were an old school couple that had been together for over 70 years and still looked beautiful

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They were an old school couple that had been together for over 70 years and still looked beautiful. She hoped she looked half as wonderful when she was their age. The Were-genes slowed down aging. The average Alpha living around 120 years. With her families level of blood though she imagined her grandparents would easily reach around 200.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" She cried in Turkish as she rushed across the tarmac to great them. They pulled her into a hug that was much similar to her parents just with different scents. Her grandmothers a scent of Lavender and her grandpa of his favorite pipe tobacco. After all these years her grandma still couldn't break him of that habit, she though with a smile. At this point the fight was more of teasing than fighting.

"Oh, my beautiful granddaughter! Look how grown up you are." Her grandmother said holding her face in her hands. Her American grandmother did the same, must be a grandma thing. "You ready to spend some time with us, princess?" Her grandfather asked as his men put her bags in the trunk of the town car.

Shad she known what was happening further down the strip she might have had a different answer. However, without knowing she happily answered, "Of Course." And climbed in the car.

In a jet just landing
Milan was running out of patience with the incompetence of some of these Alphas. He decided to change his schedule and check in with his father's dear friend and the Alpha of Turkey instead of France. His meeting with the Alpha of Germany had him on edge and he needed a good report to help him get his rage under control.

Truth be told at 29 Milan was starting to worry for his sanity. His Alpha levels were unprecedented, men and women with less had lost their minds before the age of 21. So why at his age was he still fighting? Simple, because he might let her down. That was a thought he couldn't bear. Taking the way out would help him, but it would sentence any mate he might have to a life of loneliness.

He buckled in and looked out the window as the jet descended to the ground. It was odd how he felt an almost pulling sensation the closer to the ground they got. He could feel his wolf pacing, he didn't want to get his hopes up though. He thought of the Ball that was to be held in a few short days, all the women that had come of age would be there. If she wasn't there this year, he might have to make a few decisions.

When they landed it was all he could do to stay in his seat. Something very near was driving his wolf crazy. The harder it pushed the more hope he felt that he might have found her. He quickly ordered the crew to drop the stairs and flew down them. The most amazing scent he had ever smelled hit him. The scent of vanilla and orchids. He felt euphoric at the scent.

His mind reached a level of calm he didn't know was possible, and that was from a scent alone. He realized the tugging was pulling him towards a leaving car. He growled and quickly memorized the license plate. His mate was in there, he knew it. He would find her....the hunt was on.

**small chapter to get Alara on the ground

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**small chapter to get Alara on the ground. Bigger chapter coming very soon**

** Also, his name is pronounced ME-LAWN.**

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