Now Boarding

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The next morning her brothers hugged her goodbye, putting her luggage in the limo for her. One perk of so many brothers, she hadn't lifted anything but gym equipment in her life. Her wolf genes let her lift twice her body weight, but they'd rather not test it outside of supervised gym time.

She had cried as she hugged them, like the baby she knew they thought her to be. She had a backpack full of books, magazines, and electronics for the 11 hour flight she had ahead of her. She slid onto the black leather of her parents limo and watched her dad help her mom in. She smiled and watched how he ran his hand on her back and guided her in, somehow keeping his attention on her mother and their surroundings at the same.

She imagined that ability came with the Alpha senses. She was never frightened by her prospective mate, she just hoped they could find love like her parents had. The attraction came with being mates, the love was grown. She knew if she found her mate that she would likely be pregnant soon. It was a species survival gene that still ran strong in them. The woman's first mated heat was the most potent and almost always resulted in a pregnancy if not multiples.

It kept the new generations coming and the species alive. She had been trained in childcare and had more than enough hands on practice with her nephews. She knew it would be different with her own pup, so she was scared of the unknown. Her parents were going over last minute rules and looked much more nervous than she felt. She took the time to study her parents.

They were a stunning couple that still made people stare

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They were a stunning couple that still made people stare. Her dad's Italian American heritage and Were-genes keeping him looking young. Her mother had looked the same as long as she could remember. She was the woman that with a single look could bring over 1000 lbs of men to their knees, men that she had brought into this world.

"You look beautiful today, mom." She said in Turkish putting a halt to her moms lecture. Her dad hid his smile and winked at her. "Thank you, Alara. What a lovely thing to say." Her mom answered in kind. It refocused her mom's attention and helped her reign in her Omega urges and bring her back to her center. Her mom's instincts were screaming at her because her youngest wouldn't be close to her for an extended amount of time.

She knew her brothers and their kids would help keep her mom busy at home, but alone in the limo her mom's fears were high. "You're gonna take care of her?" She teased her dad in Italian, one of the only other languages he knew. He smiled and took a playful swipe at her. "Just worry about yourself, missy." He said laughing.

Her ability to calm her mom faster than her dad had always been a joke between them. They had even been pretty confident that she would be an Omega during her moms pregnancy, her mood swings would stop on a dime and change to calm. It was how she had gotten her name in fact. Alara meant giver of joy in Turkish.

To hear her dad tell it, mom had called her that since the beginning and names were never discussed. Not that they were with the guys either. Her mom would look at her new son or sons and the names came to her. Her dad said it was the magic of a mom. She always loved the idea that she and her mom had a special bond from the beginning.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." She said quietly. Her dad simply held open his arm and she jumped for the space between her parents. Taking in the scent that had meant safety for so long. Her mother's floral perfume and her dad's woodsy scent. They hugged the rest of the ride to the private air strip.

When they arrived they all took a deep breath and climbed out. Her dad's sleek jet stood on the tarmac with her dad's personal pilot standing next to the stairs. She waved to the man she considered an uncle. "Hi, Uncle Dave." She called. He smiled and waved back. "Good Morning, Princess." He said holding out her coffee.

She giggled and skipped over to him. Giving him a hug and taking the coffee he held. "I turn my back for two minutes." She heard the teasing voice of his mate and their onboard staff. "Aunt Maggie!" She said happily. She only saw Dave so much because he picked up her dad. She didn't get to see Maggie much. "Hello, Princess." She smiled coming down the stairs.

"I hear we get to have you all to ourselves for the next few hours." She said happily as they hugged. Dave and Maggie were a lovely Beta couple that had been friends with her parents since before she was born. Her dad and Dave carried her trunks up onto the plane with her thanks. Her mom smothered her in kisses and tried to strangle her with hugs. "Dad!" She called as her face turned red.

He jogged over quickly and pulled his wife off their daughter. "Honey, you gotta let her breath." He said pulling her into a hug with him. He knew how against her instincts this was, but she would always do what was best for her children. This school would let their girl have independence and a touch of freedom before she was mated.

A few more hugs and kisses and many tears later her dad finally got her mom back in the limo. She sighed and watched the limo pull away until she couldn't see it anymore. "Come on, dear." She heard Maggie. "We better be taking off soon." Alara nodded and grabbed her backpack. She climbed the few stairs and walked inside the beautiful plane.

She sat down in one of the captains chairs and waited for takeoff

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She sat down in one of the captains chairs and waited for takeoff. She smiled when she realized one of her brothers had forgotten to take his new PlayStation off the jet. She quickly took a picture and sent it to their group chat like any good little sister would, before turning her phone off for take off.

She sat back and looked around. Not a bad place to be stuck for 11 hours, she thought with a smile.

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