08 | gallery

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g a l l e r y

It was the day of the gallery and exhibit and even though Anita had perfected her pieces, she felt that they weren't enough. She didn't know if it was just jitters or if she actually was missing something, which scared her.

Ms. Laurent wasn't there while she was panicking; her teacher was setting up the exhibit for Anita and Leon and told them not to come. So, Anita asked Leon, and he said they looked perfect. She tried to convince herself that he was right, and she had no need to worry.

Right now, she was standing outside the museum next to Leon, who was dressed in a black suit and tie. It was a defect fit too, outlining the curve of his stomach muscles that soccer helped him get.

But, Anita promised herself tonight was about her and her artwork, not Leon. She straightened her white gown and took a deep breath in, straightening her hair before adjusting the bag that held her paintings.

Leon's were in there too, because she was nice enough to offer. He refused to show them to her, but she really wanted to see them. If her memory serves her right, she remembered being awestruck by all the detail that Leon has in his artwork. It was stunning. By carrying his paintings, she hoped she would be able to catch a sneak peek of his paintings, but they were coming to the gallery together, so she didn't have a chance.

Leon looked over her and gave a reassuring smile. "Anita, you'll be fine. Your artwork is stunning, and you should be proud that you got this far."

Anita smiled hesitantly, while freaking out inside. "Thanks, uh, you too?" It came out like a question, which made Leon's lip quirk.

He held out his arm, which was bent at the elbow. "Shall we?"

Anita gulped before taking his arm. "We shall,"

Once they got in, Ms. Laurent hurriedly rushed them to their respective booths where they quickly set up, 5 minutes before the show opened. Anita set up her paintings, smiling at the pointillism she included in her Eiffel Tower one, before turning to Leon's and almost fainting.

He had done Eros, the one Anita had seen, Persephone and Hades, and one of Athena and Arachne, all which were beautiful. Seeing Anita's look Leon's lips curved up in a smile. "I'm guessing you like them?"

Anita stopped glaring before remembering she was supposed to be mad at Leon. "They're okay, I guess."

Leon quirked an eyebrow. He was probably wondering why Anita was suddenly acting distant again, making Anita feel slightly bad.

But then, she reminded herself that after this trip, she wouldn't see Leon again and they could live their lives separately and she would be fine.

Will you, though? A part of her subconscious asked her. Will you be okay?

Shut up. She responded mentally to herself before turning back to her artwork as the people started filing in.

Anita actually did a great job of ignoring Leon. A bunch of people loved her artwork, and her paintings got a lot of attention. Especially the Eiffel Tower and pointillism. Getting to talk and present her art made Anita love art even more, and explore her paintings deeper, understand why she did them.

It was an unforgettable experience. Without even realizing it, her two hours were up and the exhibit closed.

Ms. Laurent came up to them, practically glowing with pride. "I got so many positive comments about you guys, congratulations! But, it's not over yet! Next, we have a gala, which is basically an after party. So, I'll see you there in 15 minutes?"

Anita nodded nimbly, still recovering from her happiness and positively glowing. That's how happy she felt.

Leon looked at her from the corner of his eye. "Ready to go?" He asked, not looking directly at her. He was... nervous? 

"Why?"  Anita wondered. She looked at him sideways, and made a face. "I don't think we have a choice." 

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