11 | acceptance

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a c c e p t a n c e

Anita and Leon walked through the city, admiring the view, and for a while, they didn't talk. They just walked in comfortable silence, while Leon kept looking over at Anita, searching for the perfect opening to talk.

"I need food," Anita said, suddenly, and walked to the nearest restaurant. "I'll try to listen to whatever dumb excuses you have for yourself."

Leon frowned as he stopped, before he realized Anita was trying to give him a second chance. That thought made his face light up, and he followed her, with a new determination.

They ended up walking past the nearest restaurant and to Leon's favorite. Leon smiled a bit, as he saw that Anita had chosen this restaurant, the one they used to go to all the time. Anita saw the look on his face and frowned. "Don't think this is on purpose. This place just has good food," She argued, as Leon's smile grew bigger.

He laughed and held open the door for her. "After you," He said, which made Anita make a face.

They got seated after a 15 minute wait, and almost right after they sat down, Anita ordered a rose champagne, making Leon's lips curve up. "Aren't you drunk enough already?"

"No," Anita said, pouring the drink into the cup she got. "There's no such thing as too drunk,"

Leon lifted a single eyebrow. "Really? Because I just saw you get up and then puke because you didn't fall on the floor,"

Anita glared at him, before raising the cup to her lips. "You said you wanted to talk," She flourished her arm. "Talk,"

Leon grinned at her, and began to explain the story of what really happened, but then Anita held up her hand. "I'm not listening to this right now. I'm drunk. Later. Tell me instead," she put down her champagne flute and scrutinized Leon. "Tell me why you did what you did after everything happened."

Leon took a sip of his water. "Like, why I didn't contact you?" A nod from Anita signaled he got it right. "Well, I couldn't, really. You see, I knew that if I didn't give you at least a week of space, you would murder me in my sleep,"

Anita's lips curved into a grin, and Leon continued. "And I really didn't want to hurt you like that, because I'm not the most loquacious person ever."

Anita snorted into her drink. "Clearly."

"So, I decided to wait a week before contacting you. But, by that time, I legit couldn't reach you. It kept saying that your accounts or numbers weren't found."

Anita looked away, suddenly very interested in the plant hanging from the wall. "I might've had something to do with that," She said, so quietly, Leon almost missed it.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I, um," Anita cleared her throat, her face becoming increasingly redder. "I blocked you on all forms of contact."

Leon stared at her in shock. "After a week?" He got a curt nod in response. "You figured it out by then? You knew how to do it?" This time, he received a glare. "Well, you were really bad with anything to do with technology..." Leon trailed off before seeing Anita's murderous look.

Their waiter finally arrived, and took their orders before Anita continued to interrogate Leon. Their food came a few moments later, and Anita said thank you, while Leon fidgeted nervously under her gaze.

After a few moments, she nodded, and started eating her food. "I think I'm sober enough to hear the real story now. But if I puke, it's your fault."

Leon smiled, and started to tell his story.

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