chapter 4:Hospital

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The paramedics loaded Amai into the ambulance and drove away.Iko felt worried so he opened his long black wings and flew after the vehicle."Iko wait!"Perry cried.Perry decided to fly after him.When they got to the hospital Iko saw the paramedics take Amai into surgery."She must've been more hurt than I thought she was."Iko sighed."We should wait for her."Perry said."Yeah we should."Iko stammered.
It felt like they were waiting for hours when a nurse told them they could go in Amai's room.When they stepped in Amai was still asleep."You think she'll be ok?"Iko asked quietly"I don't know,I hope so."Perry answered.It felt like hours before they were called in to visit Amai.When they went in Amai was still asleep and her arm was stitched up and in a cast."Hey Perry can you wait here for a minute,I need to go get something for Amai."Iko said
"Sure."Perry agreed.Iko quickly left and flew back to the school.A few minutes later Iko came back with Amai's phone,ear buds,and her stuffed bunny that she had on her bed.Iko and Perry heard a small moan from Amai as she started to wake up."Amai you're awake!"Iko said surprised "Where am I?"Amai asked "You're in the hospital."Perry replied "My arm hurts."Amai said slightly wincing.Later on the doctors told Amai that they were going to call her parents.Since Amai has never seen her parents in five years she was scared to see what they thought and that they would take her away from school and make her travel with them.
"Amai are you okay?"Perry asked"I don't want my parents to come in here."Amai muttered shyly."I haven't seen them since I was ten."Amai said quivering out of fear."Why don't you want to see them?"Iko asked"I'm scared they might take me with them on their traveling business."Amai answered"Well how about this,I'll stay and protect you,if they do try to take you I'll be right there with you."Iko said.Amai nodded her head in agreement.Later on Perry left to go back to school while Iko stayed behind.Soon there was a knock a the hospital door. "Come in..."Amai said still nervous."How could you let this happen to you?"Amai's mom said in pure anger.Amai was yanked from her hospital bed and thrown to the wall by her mother.Iko noticed the cluster and quickly stepped in front of Amai who was still on the ground crying."GET OUT NOW!"Iko yelled "Fine,Good luck finding a new home Amai,because you don't have one anymore."Her mom laughed "P-please don't do this mom."Amai sobbed.Both of Amai's parents left without a goodbye."Hey are you okay?"Iko asked gently rubbing her tear soaked cheeks.Amai didn't respond but kept crying."I'm sorry I had to do that."Iko said hugging Amai."It's ok,It's not your fault."Amai said silently sobbing "Hey Iko..." "Yeah Amai..." "Can we go back to the dorm?" "Yeah sure I'll go talk to the nurse to see if you can."Iko said.
Once they were cleared to leave Iko and Amai sat silently in their dorm.
(End of chapter.)

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