chapter 11: break in

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Amai sat in the beach house alone while Iko and Quill went out because they wanted to suprise Amai with a gift.Suddenly she heard glass breaking in the kitchen.Amai grabbed her phone and went to hide.Amai ducked under her bed ready to attack whomever broke in.Amai heard a distant voice saying to search the house. The voice was a male voice and it was an unfamiliar one.Amai began to call the police.

(Phone call)
"911, What's your emergency?"
"Someone broke in."
"Okay just tell me where you are."
"I'm at beach view manor."
"Okay,and what's your name?"
"Amai pomerai."
"Okay the police are on their way please stay calm and escape the premisis if you can."

(End of phone call.)
Amai silently crawled out of the bed and went to her window.There was a sturdy tree branch that led to her window.The only problem was Amai was afraid of heights.Amai crawled onto the branch and slowly crawled on it.Suddenly her bedroom door caved in.The person who broke in looked crazed and ragged.
"HEY SIR I FOUND SOMEONE!"the man yelled.The man had very few teeth and he had one lazy eye.

Suddenly a second man came in he had a black whip

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Suddenly a second man came in he had a black whip .Amai tried to crawl faster but her leg was tied with the whip. "Come here little girl!"He yelled.The man pulled the whip closer to him.Amai held on to the branch with all her strength. "HELP!"Amai yelled hopelessly.Amai felt a since of relief when she heard sirens. "Aw shit."
Suddenly Amai was shot in her leg.Amai collapsed and was dragged back in the house as everything faded to black.
Amai woke up in the hospital.She tried to move her leg but it was injured.Amai looked around at her surroundings only to find no one there.It was dark and Amai's bunny layed beside her.
Amai noticed her phone on the nightstand beside her.She went to pick it up and checked the time.It was 8:30 p.m. Amai decided to text Iko.


Amai:hey can you come pick me up if you're not asleep?
Iko:yeah sure. Are you feeling okay?
Amai:yeah why?
Iko:You were shot and almost taken.
Amai:Are you able to come to the hospital?
Iko:Yeah I'll get Quill to drive me.

(End of texting)
Amai put her phone on her lap and waited for Iko.One of the doctors came in and gave Amai a glass of water.Amai felt a hint of dizziness.
When Iko came to pick her up she was already asleep.Iko smiled and gently shook her. "Ugh...Iko..."Amai's words were slurred because of the pain medication. "Hey it's time to go home."Iko said.One of the doctors checked Amai out of the hospital so they could go home.
When they got home Iko helped Amai get to bed.Iko went to walk out of Amai's bedroom when Amai was trying to say something to him.
"Iko...I love you."Amai said.Iko wasn't sure what to say so he replied normally but with a shy stutter. "I love you too."

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